Best iOS and Android Productivity Apps of 2024

These best productivity apps will surely motivate your inner professionalism and boost your performance!
Last Updated on : April 29, 2024
Best Productivity Apps

Success in today's fast-paced world depends on your ability to remain productive. The best productivity apps can help you handle projects, juggle work tasks, or organize your day better. As per a G2 report, the productivity management software market will grow by 13.8% from 2022 to 2030. Read More

List of Best Productivity Apps for Android and iOS in 2024




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Size: 70.44 MB 148.3 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 9.0 and up Requires iOS 15.0 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Download DopaFast:


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Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: NA 1.3
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Device Supported: NA Requires iOS 16.0 or later
Subscription: NA In-app Purchases($8.90- $189.00)

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Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: v11274 24.2.7
Size: 29 MB 228.2 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 7.0 and up Requires iOS 15.0 or later.
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Download Evernote:


Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 10.75.1 10.76.0
Size: 91 MB 363.6 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 9.0 and up Requires iOS 13.2 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Download Slack:


Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 24.02.10
Size: 52 MB 301.5 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 10.0 and up Requires iOS 15.0 or later
Subscription: Free Free

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Download Trello:


Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 2024.2.1.14372 2024.3
Size: 26 MB 149.1 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 8.0 and up Requires iOS 16.0 or later
Subscription: Free Free

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To-Do Adventure

To-Do Adventure

Download To-Do Adventure:


Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 2.3.0
Size: 154 MB 224.1 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 5.1 and up Requires iOS 15.0 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Welltory App

Welltory App

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Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 4.14.0 4.7.5
Size: 65 MB 246.8 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 8.0 and up Requires iOS 14.0 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Download RescueTime:


Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 5.1.38 2023.4
Size: 5.7 MB 35.6 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 5.0 and up Requires iOS 15.0 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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Kdan PDF Reader

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Tech Specifications Arrow

Metrics Android iOS
Latest Version: 3.42.0 3.16.0
Size: 52 MB 278.5 MB
Device Supported: Requires Android 5.0 and up Requires macOS 10.13 or later
Subscription: Free (In-App Purchases) Free (In-App Purchases)

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What Are The Common Features Of The Free Productivity Apps?

The best apps for productivity are jam-packed with features meant to make you more efficient at managing your time, activities, and projects. These features improve organization, expedite processes, and increase productivity. Let's examine a few of the typical functions these apps for productivity have in common:

1. Task Management

Many best free productivity apps are built around helping you manage your tasks. This means they help you list things you need to do, organize them, and keep track of them. You can set deadlines for tasks and sometimes decide which ones are most important to do first. It's like having a digital to-do list that helps you stay on top of what you must do.

2. Calendar Integration

Calendar integration is like having a digital planner inside your productivity apps. It helps you organize your time better by showing your tasks and appointments on a calendar. This way, you can easily see what you must do daily, weekly, or monthly.

Plus, it connects with your other devices, so you won't miss any important events or deadlines. You can also use the top calendar apps to manage your tasks and add reminders.

3. Note-Taking

These best apps for productivity have something in common: they help you take and organize notes. It doesn't matter if you're jotting down ideas, making a to-do list, or keeping track of what was said in a meeting. A good productivity app can keep all your notes in one place, making it easier to find them when needed. For even more variety, look for apps like Notagenda that can help in rich text formatting of notes.

4. Collaboration Tools

Team projects need features that help people work together. These features let you talk to others using chat or comments and share tasks, files, and notes. They're great for ensuring everyone agrees and that projects keep moving smoothly.

5. Reminders and Notifications

The best apps for productivity often send messages and reminders to help you get things done. They'll remind you when tasks need to start or when deadlines are coming up. This helps ensure you don't forget anything important, like the top reminder apps.

6. Cross-Platform Accessibility

Many free productivity apps work on computers, tablets, and phones. So, you can check your to-do lists, notes, and schedules on any of these gadgets. When your devices are synced up, you can stay productive no matter where you are.

7. Customization

Making changes to the app to fit what you want for your personal or work use is important. You can change the labels on tasks or even how the app looks. When you customize it, you make it work better for how you like to do things, which can help you get more done and make it easier to use.

What are the benefits of using productivity apps?

There are several advantages to using productivity applications, and they can greatly improve your daily life and work processes. These applications are made to increase your productivity, improve your efficiency, and reduce your stress levels.

The following are some main advantages of incorporating productivity applications into your daily routine:

1. Improved Organization

Productivity apps are just like the best authenticator apps. They help you keep track of your tasks, notes, and schedules in one spot. This makes it easier to stay organized and remember what you must do. Instead of having notes scattered everywhere, everything is neatly organized in the app. This makes focusing on your work simpler and less stressful because you can see everything.

2. Enhanced Time Management

Productivity apps are like helpers for managing your time. They give you tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and reminders. With these, you can see your day or week and plan ahead. This helps you use your time well for different tasks to finish them on time and still have time for yourself.

3. Boosted Efficiency

Productivity apps are like helpers for your work. They make it easier to do things by sorting out what needs to be done and when. One cool thing they do is help you figure out which tasks are most important so that you can concentrate on those first. That way, you don't waste time on less important work. 

4. Easier Collaboration

Productivity apps can change how people work together in a group. They let everyone share files and tasks and talk to each other easily. This means everyone knows what's happening with a project, which stops any confusion and helps things run smoother.

5. Accessibility Across Devices

Cross-platform support means that a lot of useful tools can work on different devices like computers, tablets, and phones. So, whether using a laptop, tablet, or phone, you can still get to your stuff and keep yourself organized. This is handy, especially if you're always busy and moving around.

6. Customization and Personalization

When you change these programs so they work better for you, it helps you be more productive in your unique way. Setting up the app to match how you like to work becomes easier and more useful. For instance, you can make your reminders and organize tasks in a way that makes sense. Or you can explore the mobile app marketing apps to create amazing campaigns.

7. Reduced Stress and Increased Peace of Mind

Finally, apps that help you get things done can really reduce stress. They allow you to manage your time and tasks better, so you can feel more relaxed knowing you have a plan for everything you need to do. Plus, it feels great to tick off tasks as you finish them, boosting how well you work and feel overall.

How To Use Productivity Apps?

The productivity market is expected to generate a revenue of $6.51 billion by 2024. Your ability to manage your time, tasks, and workflow as a whole can be greatly improved by using productivity tools. This is a simple tutorial on how to get the most of these apps:

1. Choose the Right App

Choose an app that best suits your needs first. Think on the areas you would like to improve: scheduling, note-taking, task management, or even a mix of these. Numerous productivity applications are available, each with a distinct feature set. While some are better suited for team use, others are made for individual use. Use free trials to try out several apps before making a purchase.

2. Set It Up

After selecting an app, give it some time to be properly configured. This could entail setting up an account, knowing its capabilities, and modifying settings. Using the tutorials and guides the app provides a better understanding of how to operate it. Making the right setup decisions early on will help you save wasted time and aggravation.

3. Organize Your Tasks

Add your tasks into the app to start. You can begin with a straightforward list and subsequently group these chores into projects or categories. You can prioritize tasks and set deadlines with many programs, which helps you concentrate on the things that really need to get done right now. Divide more complex jobs into more manageable, smaller subtasks if your program allows it.

4. Use the Calendar and Scheduling Features

Connect the calendar feature of the app with your tasks and projects. This will give you a clear picture of your obligations and due dates. Allocate specific time slots for concentrated work, particularly for intricate or high-impact assignments. This aids in realistic deadline planning as well as improved time management.

5. Make Note-Taking a Habit

Make it a habit to scribble thoughts, meeting notes, or anything significant that comes to mind when using note-taking tools. Arrange your notes into notebooks or tags to make them easier to find later. Writing things down can help with memory and clarity, which makes it simpler to monitor progress and provide ideas for solutions.

6. Regularly Review and Update

Set aside time every week to review your assignments and projects. Update your progress, make necessary deadline adjustments, and set weekly priorities. This routine evaluation keeps everything in check and enables you to adjust to any changes or new assignments that may come up.

7. Collaborate and Share

Utilize the collaborative features of the app if you're working in a group. Assign assignments, work packages, and memos to your colleagues. Discuss concepts and updates using the app's communication features. Better results and an all-around more productive team can result from effective collaboration.

8. Sync Across Devices

Verify that your data is synchronized and your productivity software is installed on your devices. This guarantees that you can access your tasks, calendar, and notes whether you're at your desk or on the go. It also aids in maintaining the accuracy of your information on all platforms.

9. Customize and Adapt

Lastly, feel free to modify the app to fit your workflow. Use labels, tags, or custom fields to facilitate discovering and organizing information. Make adjustments to the app's usage as your needs and projects evolve. The aim is to make the software work for you rather than the other way around.

How do you pick the best business productivity app?

Choosing the top productivity apps like WorkDo can greatly impact your work organization and efficiency. Below are a few steps you can follow to choose the best productivity tool for yourself:

  • User-friendly interface - You want a productivity app that's easy to use. It should be simple to understand and move around in, with clear directions. This app should help you get things done without wasting time figuring it out. A good app will make managing your tasks and projects easier and faster.
  • Smooth integration - A good productivity app works well with other tools you already use. It implies that you may collaborate with ease and locate all of your work materials in one location. You can accomplish more tasks more quickly because you don't have to switch between programs constantly.
  • Offline access - Even though the majority of individuals have little trouble accessing the internet, occasionally you might not. When you use a productivity app that works offline, you can continue working on your projects and making adjustments even when you're not connected to the internet.
  • Read reviews and ratings - It's critical to review apps before choosing one for productivity purposes. You can get a decent sense of the functionality and user experience of the app from their reviews and ratings. You can discover more information than simply what the app developers tell you by reading what users have to say.
  • Customer support - A good business app should have quick and helpful customer service in case users have problems or questions. This means users can get the help they need fast, which helps them overcome any issues.
  • Pricing and value - Consider the app's price and if the features make it worthwhile. While some apps offer a limited-featured free version, others may allow you to test everything out for a short period of time before deciding whether to pay for it.

Wrapping Up!

In summary, looking for the best productivity apps could change how we handle our time, work, and personal growth a lot. These apps are like important tools in our digital toolbox. They help us plan our day, stay focused, and get more done. There's an app for whatever we need - like better team chats, organizing tasks, or just keeping track of what we need to do.

Using these technologies can make our lives better, both at home and work. They help us do things more easily and feel happier about our achievements. Using iOS and Android productivity apps every day can really make a big difference. They help us manage our tasks better, so we can do well in everything we do and keep up with our responsibilities.

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General FAQ

What is a productivity app?
What is the purpose of best iPhone productivity apps?
What causes a lack of productivity?
How can you increase productivity?
What do the best iOS productivity apps do?
Do the best personal productivity apps work?
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