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Tinder Introduces Share My Date Feature For Friends & Family fold icon

Tinder Introduces Share My Date Feature For Friends & Family

The reason is not clear but dating apps have slowed down in terms of user engagement, new downloads, and overall revenues from subscriptions. Tinder’s year-on-year paying customers have dropped

US House Sends Last Warning For TikTok Ban In USA

TikTok has been making rounds on the internet for its controversial ownership by the Chinese government. One of the larg...

 US House Sends Last Warning For TikTok Ban In USA
Snap Introduces Watermarks To Highlight AI-Generated Images

Since Gen AI boomed, Snapchat has brought interesting AI features to the platform. In recent news, the social media app ...

Snap Introduces Watermarks To Highlight AI-Generated Images
WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management

WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature to make the interface more organized and chats easily accessible. The lates...

WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management
Meta’s Oversight Board Actively Reviewing AI-Nudity Reports

The risks of AI are deepening with every advancement, and the rise of deepfake technology is making things even more dra...

Meta’s Oversight Board Actively Reviewing AI-Nudity Reports

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