Category Application Development
 Health and Fitness App Development Learn about the different nuances associated with fitness app development from types, cost, and process, & more.

Be it the events surrounding COVID-19 or influencers on social media promoting an aesthetic physique, fitness apps are all the rage today. So many players are willing to grab their share in the industry, which has led to an increased focus on fitness app development.

Being a part of any industry is supposedly methodical. To start in the fitness industry, we need to plan carefully and understand the basics.

This article provides a baseline for making a fitness app. It talks about many nuances, like the market and different types of fitness apps, and what might happen in the future. By the end of this article, we hope to provide a well-versed understanding of how to create an incredible fitness app. So, let’s begin!

Fitness App Market - Global!


Before jumping on any bandwagon, it is important to aggregate data associated with it. Data that ensures that the prospective industry has the potential to accommodate one more player.

Below, we have provided some basic stats to help create a picture. Therefore, let's check them out:

  • The fitness apps market worldwide is expected to reach $6.86 billion in 2024.
  • The United States market is projected to generate the highest revenue, with an expected amount of $2,061 million in 2024.
  • The United States is leading the way regarding app downloads and user engagement.
  • It is estimated that 1 in 10 people use a fitness app in 2024. The figure is expected to reach 12.2% by 2027.
  • Fitness apps saw an increase of 46% in downloads worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The diet and fitness segment in the fitness app market makes up around 55% of the total market.

Types of Fitness Apps - Categorization Based on Functionalities and Features!

‘Fitness apps’ is an umbrella term used to describe the different types of fitness apps. Each type caters to a certain focus area and features. 

This enables users to choose an appropriate app based on their fitness goals from a catalog catering to the market. Therefore, for clarity, here are some of the most common types of fitness apps:

1. Activity Tracking Applications

Activity tracking applications are popular among users. These apps help you stay on track with your daily activities, create custom goals, and monitor progress.

To ensure these goals are met, activity trackers typically use an in-built accelerometer or GPS to track metrics. Some of the activities tracked by these apps are:

  • Steps taken
  • Distance walked or run
  • Calories burned
  • Sleep patterns
  • Heart rate

2. Nutrition and Diet Apps

Nutrition and diet are the secrets to good health and physique. For example, people must eat within a calorie limit to lose weight and build an aesthetic build.

Nutrition and diet apps help users achieve a good nutritious diet. These apps help track food intake and calorie consumption. Users can get personalized meal plans and recipes through these apps. 

Furthermore, users can track their progress towards weight loss and muscle-building goals. Some of the examples of real-life examples associated with this category are:

  • MyFitnessPal
  • Lose It!
  • Noom

3. Running and Cycling Apps

Not everyone likes to pull and push weights. Some people prefer cycling workouts or running, aiming to achieve a cyclist's or runner’s high. These apps provide data related to distance covered, pace, elevation gain, and calorie burn. They can also help users plan their training sessions and work out with friends.

Some of the popular examples in this category are:

  • Strava
  • Nike Run Club
  • MapMyRun

4. Weight Loss Apps

The majority of people who work out want to lose weight. To justify this thought, the weight loss supplement market has been expected to grow to $43.14 billion in 2024 from $38.38 billion in 2023. 

To create a counter-narrative, it is a common perception that losing weight through exercise is much better than taking any supplement. Most people who start with supplements often understand the importance of a sustainable workout. Therefore, it is highly likely that adopters will slowly and steadily move towards fitness apps.

If one consults a doctor or a dietician, they will most likely tell the same thing. Therefore, the market is ripe for creating fitness apps for weight loss. 

Furthermore, there are plenty of weight loss apps available in the market. These apps provide support and guidance for people who want to lose weight. They often include features like:

Some popular examples of these apps are:

  • Noom
  • Weight Watchers
  • Beachbody

5. Yoga and Meditation Apps

With ever-increasing stress levels in corporate jobs and contemporary life, it is important to have a fitness routine centered around decreasing stress levels. The most effective way to achieve this is through mind-body wellness.

Yoga and meditation apps provide guided meditations and yoga classes to achieve that at home. 

Unlike many people who visit India for the same, these apps provide access to Yoga and meditation teachers through a mobile screen. They can help the user improve their flexibility, strength, and balance while reducing overall stress & anxiety.

Some of the common examples are:

  • Down Dog
  • Calm
  • Headspace

6. On-Demand Personal Trainer Apps

Some people find traveling to the gym and coming back to complete work and house chores a hassle. On-demand personal trainer apps try to bridge this gap. They provide certified personal trainers who can help create an individual plan. 

Furthermore, the user gets coaching and support in real-time. Some of the popular examples of these types of fitness apps are:

  • Peloton App
  • obé Fitness
  • Fitbod

Essential Features of Fitness Applications - Basic and Exclusive!


A variety of features need to be integrated to create a fitness app. This improves user convenience and the application experience, helping users cater to their needs and goals. 

Therefore, these are some of the essential features to build a fitness app:

1. User Profile and Personalization

  • Registration and Profile Creation: This capability allows users to sign up, create a profile, and input basic information (age, height, goal, etc.).
  • Goal Setting: This feature enables users to set specific fitness goals. These goals are measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. The app will cater to these goals via fitness, nutrition, or the user's overall well-being.
  • Customization: The apps should let the user personalize the experience by choosing workout programs, dietary preferences, and data visualization.

2. Tracking and Data Management

  • Activity Tracking: This feature lets users track daily activities like steps taken, distance covered, calories burned, etc.
  • Nutrition Tracking: It allows users to log meals, track calorie, and macronutrient intake (protein, carbs, fat). Some of these apps may feature barcode scanning to easily log food.
  • Progress Tracking: This feature helps visually represent the overall program. To achieve that, top mobile app development companies build dynamic charts and graphs that update users' progress. Some of the metrics covered in these charts and graphs are weight, body measurements, workout performance, and dietary goals.

3. Fitness and Workout Management

  • Workout Library: Provide a library of video or text-based exercise routines. These routines can be categorized by muscle group, fitness level, or activity type (e.g., Yoga, strength training, HIIT).
  • Workout Plans: These are pre-designed workout plans tailored to user goals and preferences. Also, the users get customization options.
  • Virtual Coaching: The app should have virtual coaching features. This ranges from voice instructions or on-screen guidance during workouts.

4. Additional Features for Engagement and Motivation

  • Community and Social Features: These features allow users to share their progress with peers. Furthermore, they facilitate interactions through challenges, social media integration, or online forums to boost motivation and accountability.
  • Gamification: These are game-like mechanics, such as points, badges, leaderboards, etc. They embed a competitive spirit within the user and push them to achieve their goals further.
  • Educational Content: It provides access to informative articles, videos, or quizzes on health, fitness, and nutrition topics.
  • Push Notifications and Reminders: It is important to provide users with customizable workouts, meal logging, or goal check-ins to keep users on track.

Advanced Features

  • Wearables Integration: This feature connects the app with fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearables. It is essential as it allows the app to collect and analyze data from health monitors. 
  • Biometric Integration: This feature allows apps to integrate with devices that monitor blood pressure, blood oxygen, or other health markers.
  • Subscription-based Coaching: These are premium features like personalized meal plans or one-on-one coaching with a registered dietitian or certified trainer.

Here is a table focusing on exclusive features for different types of fitness apps:

App Type Essential Features
Activity Tracking Applications
  • Recovery monitoring
  • AI-powered analysis
  • Integration with wearable sensors
Nutrition and Diet Apps
  • Macro and micronutrient coaching
  • AI-powered meal planning
  • Smart grocery shopping lists
  • Meal photo recognition and analysis
  • Gut microbiome analysis
  • Social food sharing
  • Interactive cooking classes and tutorials
Running and Cycling Apps
  • Terrain-specific coaching
  • Cadence coaching
  • Footstrike analysis
  • Race pacing strategies
  • Power Meter Integration
  • Gear optimization recommendations
  • Group cycling routes
  • Live cycling routes
  • Cycling-specific performance analysis
Weight Loss Apps
  • Macronutrient and micronutrient tracking
  • Barcode scanning and smart search
  • Customized meal templates
  • Portion control guidance
  • Weight loss coaching and challenges
Yoga and Meditation Apps
  • Pose detection and feedback
  • Sequencing and class customization
  • Audio cues with body emphasis
  • Multi-level video classes
  • Yoga anatomy and philosophy integration
  • Guided meditation
  • Meditation progress tracking
  • Focus and attention training exercises
Books for several language levels
  • Initial assessment and goal-setting
  • Customized workout plans
  • Real-time feedback and exercise modifications
  • Progress tracking and adjustments
  • Live video sessions
  • Chat functionality

How to Create a Fitness App?

Creating an engaging fitness app can be complicated. However, there is a basic blueprint for creating any application. Below, we have mentioned steps to build a fitness app. So, let’s check them out:

1. Market Research

  • Analyze the existing fitness app developers and the products they release in the market. This will help you determine strengths, weaknesses, and potential gaps that may remain unaddressed otherwise.
  • Focus on a particular category, whether a Yoga or muscle-building app.
  • Understand the target audience's pain points, needs, fitness goals, and preferred features.

2. Determine Features & Functionality

  • Based on the niche and target audience, define the core features of the app that are an absolute must-have.
  • Discover additional features to enhance the user experience and set the app apart. Some examples could be personalized coaching, unique workout programs, social media challenges, etc.
  • Prioritize the features based on the importance and the level of complexity required.

3. Design a User-Friendly Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX)

  • Create a visually appealing UI that is appealing, intuitive, and easy to navigate.
  • Focus on creating a smooth and engaging user experience.
  • Consider user feedback while developing the design to optimize usability.

4. Choose a Development Approach

  • In-house development: This would be ideal for fitness app development companies that have an in-house team readily available. However, it can be expensive, especially if the company's location is in the U.S.
  • Outsourcing: Partner with healthcare mobile app development companies experienced with the associated use cases. These fitness app development companies are well-versed in communication and managing expectations. Furthermore, they provide cost-effective solutions.
  • App development platforms: Considering low-code/no-code platforms would help create a simple and budget-friendly solution if a basic solution is required. 

5. Develop, Test & Refine

  • Start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) with core functionalities. This will help you test those functionalities and even gather user feedback.
  • Test the app for functionality, performance, and user-friendliness.
  • Make changes to the app based on user feedback and address any associated bugs or usability issues.

6. Launch & Marketing

  • Prepare the app for launch on all target app stores. There are two primary ones: the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. Furthermore, the downloadable file can be provided on the app’s website and other third-party stores (Apptoide, Amazon Appstore, Samsung Galaxy Store, etc.)
  • Develop a marketing strategy that aims to reach the target audience. This could include social media marketing, influencer marketing, app store optimization (ASO), and other relevant channels.

7. Maintenance & Updates

  • Monitor the app’s performance and user feedback.
  • Release regular updates with bug fixes, new features, and security enhancements.
  • Try to build a fitness app with a strong user engagement strategy. This keeps the user motivated to use the app.

Monetization Strategies for Fitness Applications - Different Revenue Models for Integration!


The market for fitness apps is growing fast, with many different apps available. However, building a fitness app and its monetization aren’t different. Ultimately, the goal of creating an app will turn into a business that needs to generate revenue. 

Even if someone does it for public service, they still need something to sustain it to pay the operational cost. Therefore, here are some of the ways to monetize a fitness application:

  • Freemium Model: It is the most common approach. A basic app version is free to users and has limited features. 
  • Subscription Model: In this offer, a monthly or yearly subscription is provided. This subscription unlocks premium features like access to exclusive workout routines, curated meal plans, live coaching, etc.
  • In-app purchases: The user gets specific features or content within the app. This includes workout programs, customized meal plans, downloadable content, etc.
  • Advertising: This is achieved through non-intrusive ads placed in the app’s navigation. Then, choose a revenue model based on impressions (the number of times the ad is displayed) or clicks (the number of times the user clicks the ad).
  • Affiliate Marketing: It involves partnerships with companies that sell fitness products or healthy food options. The app can promote those products and earn a commission through sales generated via referral links.
  • Data Monetization: This approach requires transparency and user content. It helps you aggregate and anonymize user data to gather insights about user behavior and trends. This anonymized data is sold to third parties in the health and wellness industry for research purposes.

Additional Tips for Successful App Monetization:

  • Focus on Value: Ensure that the paid features or subscription provide significant value to justify the cost.
  • Targeted Marketing: It includes premium features that can be strategically placed within the app. These features are catered to a target audience.
  • Offer Free Trials: Free trials let one entice users and showcase the value proposition delivered by the app.
  • Track and Analyze: It lets the app continuously monitor user behavior and engagement with different monetization features. Adapt to a strategy based on data insights to optimize revenue generation.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Fitness App?

Stage Sub-Stage & Functionalities Fitness App Development Cost
Pre- Development Costs
  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Technical Specification Development
  • $2,000-$5,000
  • $1,000-$2,000
Front-End and Back-End Development
  • Basic App
  • Medium Complexity App
  • High High-complexity app with Advanced Features
  • $30,000-$50,000
  • $50,000-$100,000
  • $100,000-$250,000
API Integration (Third Party Services, wearables, etc.) N/A
  • $5,000-$20,000
Security Measures (Data Encryption, GDPR Compliance, etc.) N/A
  • $5,000-$15,000
Additional Features Costs
  • Social Media Integration
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Push Notifications
  • Chat/Messaging Feature
  • Machine Learning Algorithm for Personalized Suggestions
  • $2,000-$5,000
  • $2,000-$10,000
  • $1,000-$5,000
  • $5000-$15,000
  • $10,000-$25,000
Dedicated Fitness App Features Integration
  • User Management
  • Goal Setting & Tracking
  • Work Management (basic)
  • Activity Tracking (basic)
  • $800-$1,600
  • $1,600-$2,400
  • $2,400-$3,200
  • $1,600-$2,400
Testing & Quality Assurance (Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Performance Testing, etc.)
  • N/A
  • $5,000-$15,000
Post-Development Costs
  • Maintenance and Updates
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • App Store Optimization
  • 5-20% of the development cost annually
  • $5,000-$50,000+
  • $1,000-$5,000
Total Cost
  • Low Cap
  • Mid Cap
  • High Cap
  • $80,960
  • $193,875
  • $341,760

Calculating an absolute figure for fitness app development cost is next to impossible. It is because there is segregation in terms of types. 

Furthermore, entrepreneurs often choose custom fitness app development to integrate unique offerings into the app. Each of these factors plays a vital role in cost estimation, unique to that development cycle. 

So, here we've tried to estimate development costs. Let's see the cost to develop a fitness app. 

Real-Life Cost Breakdown of a Popular Fitness App:

To provide a better understanding of cost breakdown, we took the example of Nike Run Club’s development. We created the cost breakdown based on the features and functionalities available in the market. This is because none of the popular fitness apps in the market have disclosed their app cost breakdown. Therefore, here we go:

Features of Nike Run Club:

  • GPS Tracking: Tracks distance, pace, and location for outdoor runs.
  • Activity Tracking: Monitors steps, calories burned, and other potential activities.
  • Workout Programs: Delivers pre-built training plans for various goals.
  • Guided Runs: Provides audio-guided coaching for specific runs.
  • Social Integration: Allows users to share runs, follow friends, and participate in multiple challenges.
  • Music Integration: Helps connect music streaming services with the app for motivation.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitors personal bests, run history, and overall fitness progress.
  • Challenges & Achievements: Motivates users with virtual challenges, badges, and rewards.
  • Wearable Integration: Connects with smartwatches and fitness trackers for data collection

Estimated Cost Breakdown (US):

Development Stage Features & Functionalities Cost
For Native iOS & Android Basic Functionalities (GPS Tracking, Activity Tracking, etc.) $100,000-$150,000
  Advanced Functionalities (Guided Runs, Social Integration, Music Integration, etc.) $150,000-$250,000
Design N/A $20,000- $50,000 (based on complexity)
Backend Development N/A $50,000-$100,000+ (for data storage, user management, etc.)
Testing & Deployment N/A $10,000-$20,000
Total Estimated Cost N/A $230,000-$420,000 (rough estimation)

Note: The prices mentioned above can be subjective. They can vary based on several factors such as location, team size required, expertise, etc.

Factors Influencing Cost:

  • Choice of Platform: Developing a fitness app natively for iOS and Android can increase the cost. However, one can choose to go for cross-platform or hybrid app development.
  • Location of Development Team: The cost of fitness app development can vary significantly based on the development team’s location. For instance, the lowest development prices in the U.S. range between $45 and $50 per hour. Conversely, the top mobile app development companies can charge between $100 and $250 per hour.
  • Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Solutions: Custom fitness app development will be much more expensive than pre-built solutions. It is considering that custom development. 

Tips for Managing Costs:

  • Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with core features and iterate based on user feedback.

  • Consider outsourcing development to manage costs.

  • Choose a development team with experience in the fitness apps industry.

  • Clearly define app requirements and features to avoid scope creep.

  • Remember, these are just estimates. The actual cost of your app will depend on your specific needs and goals.

Top 5 Most Successful Applications in the Fitness Domain


App Name Focus Area
Nike Run Club (NRC) Running and Training
MyFitnessPal (MFP) Calorie Tracking and Diet Management
Strava Running, Cycling, and Activity Tracking
Peloton App On-Demand Fitness Classes
Calm Sleep, Meditation, and Relaxation


Determining the absolute ‘Top 5’ can be subjective. It can vary based on the specific criteria used. For example, download, active users, revenue, etc. Each data point is dynamic and, therefore, tends to change. 

However, we have mentioned some successful fitness apps from the domain below. These apps have been consistently performing well. Also, they can inspire and provide insights to help build a fitness app. Therefore, here we go:


Future Trends of the Fitness Market - Changing the Fitness Industry for Good!

The fitness market is rapidly evolving. There is a high focus on technological advancement, changing consumer behaviors, and emphasis on wellness & preventive care. Therefore, here are some of the future trends that can help with fitness app development:

1. Wearable Technology and IoT Integration

This involves integrating wearable devices like fitness trackers, smartwatches, and smart clothing. It enables apps to provide health metrics and personalized insights. 

Furthermore, with the integration of IoT (Internet of Things), these devices can further enhance their capabilities. Multiple wearables app development companies are already seizing the opportunity. 

These apps can exchange seamless data between various health & fitness devices and platforms. Overall, the user gets a much more holistic view of the user’s health.

These apps can exchange seamless data between various health & fitness devices and platforms. Overall, the user gets a much more holistic view of the user’s health.

2. Integration of AI Technologies

The use of Artificial intelligence, such as machine learning, is increasing in the fitness domain. These technologies help users with personalized fitness and food plans. They can also predict health trends and warn about possible health problems early.

These technologies analyze vast amounts of data that help identify patterns and make recommendations tailored to individual needs.

3.Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will transform the fitness industry. These technologies can provide an immersive workout experience. They can help users engage in virtual fitness classes, explore digital environments while exercising, and receive augmented coaching.

If used to create a fitness app, these technologies will make it more engaging and accessible. This is especially true for people who cannot attend physical gyms.

4. Mental Health and Wellness Apps

There has been growing recognition of the importance of mental health in overall wellness. Some apps and platforms offer mental health support, stress management, meditation, and mindfulness exercises. These apps are becoming increasingly popular and are expected to expand their offerings in the near future.

5. Personalized Nutrition

Nutrition is an important aspect of overall health and wellness. Advances in genomics and biotechnology can enable much more personalized nutrition advices via nutrition apps

These advices are based on genetic profiles, microbiome analysis, and metabolic markers. This approach can also help optimize individual outcomes and prevent diseases. It does this through tailored diet plans that meet each person's unique needs.

6. Sustainable and Ethical Fitness

Consumers are becoming much more environmentally conscious in seeking sustainable and ethical options. They try to adhere to this principle in their lives, including fitness. 

App developers who will create a fitness app following this trend will drive more eco-friendly app development. In fact, the trend will further boost the growth of eco-friendly fitness equipment, ethical sportswear brands, and wellness programs.

7. Community and Social Management

Fitness platforms increasingly support social features to build a fitness app. These features center around communities that have wellness goals. 

The trend will help the user tap into the motivational power of belonging to a group with shared goals and achievements. It will make the fitness journey more social and engaging.

8. Hybrid Fitness Models

The future of fitness is most likely about the hybrid model. Well, in the case of fitness app development, it combines in-person and online experiences. It is centered around gyms and fitness centers that offer digital content and virtual classes. This complements traditional workouts and caters to the diverse preferences of their members.

9. Fitness Apps Gamification

Gamification is a trend being followed in multiple niches and industries. It incorporates elements like challenges, rewards, and competitive features. 

These features help maintain a healthy lifestyle while making it more fun and engaging. The approach can motivate individuals to achieve their fitness goals.

Exploring Fitness App Development Partners with MobileAppDaily

Creating a successful mobile application for the fitness industry can be a challenging task. Catering to it would require a team of developers that have the right expertise and resources. MobileAppDaily can help bridge this gap.

Here’s how MobileAppDaily can help you:

  • Expertise: We shortlist companies that have in-depth knowledge of the chosen industry and are capable in terms of strategies, design, and technology.
  • Tailored Solutions: We provide development partners who have previously worked extensively in that industry and niche.
  • Reputation and Transparency: Our selection process ensures that we only integrate development companies that are trustworthy and have a reputation in the market.
  • Multiple Options: Our list comprises multiple options that cater to different prices, minimum budgets, team requirements, geolocation, and more.

Visit the healthcare mobile app development companies list and find the best development partner for your future fitness app project.


The booming fitness app development presents numerous opportunities for developers and entrepreneurs. With this article, we aim to provide a well-versed resource to help people carry forward their fitness app venture. 

From understanding the market to the overall app development process and features required. Our goal was to extrapolate every possible data that could help build an exciting product. A product that not only entices its target audience but is also profitable in terms of revenue.

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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