Category Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality in Mobile Applications Complete guide for becoming an advanced user of AR mobile applications.

The future has already come, and it’s not going to wait until you realize this fact. Modern technologies have already crossed the boundaries of our reality. One reality isn’t enough! That’s why a range of mobile applications use augmented reality.

Augmented reality is the integration of digital data into the real world. These technologies can be used for various purposes: education, retail, entertainment, design, and many others. To become an advanced user of AR mobile apps.

Top Ways To Use Augmented Reality In Mobile Apps

Let’s take a look at 10 ways to use Augmented Reality in mobile applications

1. Shopping

Do you remember the scene with a big virtual market in the movie “Valerian”? Humanity has already made the first steps on the way to this fantasy. Well-known brands like IKEA, Converse, Topshop, and others use the technology of augmented reality to provide their customers with an easier and more comfortable way of shopping.

Thanks to special apps, you can visualize how your new chair will look in your room or how your new sneakers will fit your feet.

2. Design

No matter what your specialization is – architecture, landscape design, or construction – AR is a helpful tool that you can use to see the final result of your work before you even start. Besides, there are applications (for example, Tape Measure) that show how certain objects, textures, and colors will fit into your design concept.

3. Education

Although education is quite a conservative sphere, some teachers apply the most progressive techniques in the classroom. Special AR apps like Aurasma give students the opportunity to see the educational material from a new perspective through their smartphones and tablets. Augmented reality can also be used for medical training to delve into the human body without actually hurting anyone.

4. Contextual information

Just imagine: you stand on the street of Paris and see an incredible building. You’re 100% sure that this house or church has an exciting history. But you have no idea how to google it. In such cases, AR apps come in handy. You just point your camera at the historical monument and see all the necessary contextual information.

5. Games

Augmented reality can not only be helpful but also entertaining. AR games have become extremely popular, especially after the release of Pokemon GO. As well as VR technologies, augmented reality allows gamers to experience the entire spectrum of emotions but in a simpler way. One of the most popular game categories is zombies: Zombies, Run!, Zombie Gunship Revenant AR, Zombie GO, etc.

6. GPS

Getting lost isn’t that scary with AR mobile applications. They use your camera and Global Positioning System to spot your location and show you the best way to your destination. A camera preview video shows the virtual path to guide the user. This tool can help people with the worst sense of direction!

7. Advertising

You can find many examples of successful AR advertising campaigns on the internet: Absolut, Lacoste, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, etc. When it comes to applications, everything is much simpler. You don’t have to print the advertising if you can place it on real pages of magazines and newspapers in the augmented reality and then let customers use their smartphones to see it.

8. Translation

Understanding other people becomes easier with AR apps. A team of students from New York University has developed a prototype of the application that uses augmented reality technologies to translate sign language and turn words into signs for communication with deaf people.

AR apps also help to translate foreign language signs, menus, and advertising that can be a useful opportunity for tourists. Some of them use online services (Google Goggles), while others rely on in-built dictionaries (Word Lens).

9. Graffiti

No more illegal graffiti! Thanks to applications like AR Graffiti artists or World Brush, artists may paint on any kind of surface without the fear of being caught! Their works will exist only in the augmented reality. Every user will be able to see their creations or even leave some positive comments.

10. Quests

The same applications can be used to create the most exciting and dynamic quests around the city. You can leave messages and hints for the participants whenever you want! A treasure hunt, crime investigation, secret mission – your imagination is your only limit. You can turn your party or team-building event into a real-life adventure even with a limited budget.

It’s easy to get carried away with all these amazing AR apps, especially when it comes to games. If you want to spend more time with your smartphone to try on new shoes or kill a crowd of zombies, you’ll probably need an essay writing service to help you with your homework.

Augmented reality offers a wide range of opportunities both for users and developers. It may help to boost sales, visualize your designer decisions, or make your trip more exciting and educational. Upload new applications and enjoy the future on your smartphone!  


For the past few years, if you are closely following the trends of the mobile app industry, you would have seen that AR technology is topping the list. AR will not only bring improvisation in user experience but it will also enhance how we observe mobility in general and how users differentiate between virtual and reality.

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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