Category Social Media
when is the best time to post on instagram During its inception, it was a cakewalk to gather likes and comments on Instagram. However, today we need to pay attention to many aspects including the best time to post on Instagram.

Being a part of the social media stream is an essential aspect of marketing in today’s day and age. It is the easiest way to reach tons of potential customers. This is the reason many social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitch, etc., are used by billions of people. Therefore, it becomes important to figure out multiple ways to boost engagement including the best time to post on IG especially if you are using these platforms for marketing.

In fact, an article by Demand Sage, suggests that there are more than 8 billion people today. However, the total number of social media users is close to 4.9 billion. It says a lot about the potential market. 

Among these social media platforms, Instagram truly stands out. As of 2024, the platform has a total user base of 1.4 billion people, as mentioned in a report by  Statista.

Considering the number of people who are using Instagram, it's quite natural for marketers to gravitate towards it. However, each of these 1.4 billion users on the platform generates content in one way or another. This makes things complicated!

At one end, when there are so many people marketing your product, the number of competitors also increases. Every marketer understands that “Content Quality is King”. However, that is not all. There are other aspects, for instance, “the best time to post on Instagram,” “best time to post pictures on Instagram,” “Best day to post on Instagram,” etc.

So here are some questions that are related to the best time to post on Instagram Today, and should we learn them:

  • The most basic one is “When is the best time to post on Instagram?"
  • Does the time of posting matter?
  • How is it going to affect my engagement?
  • What is the purpose behind all of this?

However, before jumping on the bandwagon, let’s learn more about the different formats and types of content Instagram allows its users to post.

Different Format of Content on Instagram!

Instagram has slowly and steadily expanded its horizon in terms of the format of the content. Right now, Instagram lets you share content in several formats unique to it. These are:

  • Post - It can be both images and videos.
  • Story - These are also images and videos but are only available to watch for 24 hrs unless added in the highlights.
  • Reel - These are videos, too, but with a time limit of 90 seconds.
  • Live - Lets you go live using your Instagram handle in a video call format. It enables you to add up to 3 guests while others can respond via chat.

Different Types of Content on Instagram!

The moment Instagram became mainstream, there was an explosion of different types of content on the platform. As of now, several different types of posts are shared on Instagram such as:

  • Memes
  • Informative Video
  • Short Skits
  • Bird Photography
  • Landscape Photography, etc.

Does finding the best time to post on Instagram matter?

To understand if there is any best time to post on Instagram and if figuring it out really matters, we need to understand what Instagram is. But from an audience perspective.

So what is Instagram?

Instagram is a social media platform that lets its users share personalized content. Instagram's content is primarily served in two formats, i.e., video and images.

Since its inception, it has been a platform where people share content related to their personal and professional lives. It could be an image captured during travel, a photo of a family gathering, or a selfie. Later on, when the platform grew, eventually, sharing videos also became common.

Instagram works 24*7 and gives the liberty to use it any time of the day. Finding the best time to post on Instagram is essential because people can post and watch content anytime. 

This creates a window for people who are using Instagram for Marketing. This is because it helps them achieve higher engagement. For instance, when people are free and watching content, that is the best time to post on Instagram for the highest engagement. 

When is the Best Time and Day to Post on Instagram?

The engagement rate of any post severely depends on the mood and the tasks allotted to the audience. One must perform daily chores, ranging from students and homemakers to working professionals. Therefore, it becomes important to learn about the best time and day. 

It's simple: weekdays are majorly for work while weekends are holidays, leaving more free time. Figuring out this would determine whether the target audience would use Instagram or not.

Also, the purpose behind using Instagram is another key determining factor. For instance, some people use Instagram for access to new information. This information can be the latest tech news or trends covered by some of their favorite pages. This information, clubbed with the best time to post pictures on Instagram, can create higher and more relevant engagement. Contrarily, some users might seldom scroll through Instagram feeds. 

On the other hand, there is an audience that shows compulsive behavior and opens Instagram 10 times a day or maybe more. However, the engagement can still severely differ depending on the time of the day. This is because people in their offices use social media during lunch hours.

Therefore, it becomes essential for any marketer to understand the best day to post on Instagram and when is the best time to post on Instagram. So, here is our analysis based on the best days to post on Instagram.

best time to post on instagram

1. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sundays

If there is an official day for a holiday worldwide, it would be Sunday. Therefore, Sunday is the best day to post on Instagram. However, Sundays are mostly about completing chores and setting things right for the coming week. 

This creates an opportunity between 9 AM to 2 PM. It is because people become active around 9 AM and are usually idle till 2 PM. This creates a window where the prospective target audience likes to check out their Instagram feed.

2. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Mondays

Mondays are mostly energy-driven for people. It is because they start working again after the weekend break. It gives them two days to unwind, be it a party or a silent weekend watching a movie or reading a book.

This creates a window of opportunity between 9 am and 10 am, making Monday the best time to post on Instagram. It is because people on Monday mornings are eager to know what events have happened during the weekend. 

The chances of their switching to Instagram while traveling to work are much higher. Also, this time is a perfect bracket for coffee, giving the user time to scroll through the feed.

3. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesdays

Tuesdays are Mondays, but without the preceding day being a holiday. The work schedule is always hectic. This means the audience is already preoccupied. Also, even if they check out your post, the chances of engagement are much less. It is because people preoccupied with substantial work are often in a rush. 

Another factor here is that their attention will be on something else. Therefore, posting early, between 9 AM and 10 AM, would be ideal. This makes it the best time to post photos on Instagram or any content format to bring positive engagement. People are not engaged, considering they are traveling to work or sipping their first coffee in the office.

4. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesdays

Wednesday is different because it is the midpoint of a work week. Another aspect is that users are already in the cycle of the week, and even the responsibilities of the week are clearer to them. This creates an opportunity at 11 AM and another at 3 PM, making it the best time to post on Instagram. 

To further explain, “11 AM” because users are much more at ease while working. Therefore, there is a chance of them checking out Instagram. At 3 PM, most offices end their lunch; this is another time when the chances of engagement are higher.

5. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursdays

Thursday is used for completing the tasks provided to the users. So, the best time of day to post on Instagram is between 12 PM to 5 PM. This is because the likelihood of people checking out Instagram is much higher during this time. 

They can select their pace and choose their speed to complete their responsibilities. Also, Thursday mornings are often used for meetings. Therefore, the remaining time would be the ideal one.

6. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Fridays

Friday is always alive for people because they have the weekend ahead. Also, during this day, multiple responsibilities are to be fulfilled by the users. The best time to post on Instagram for likes on Friday is either between 9 AM to 10 AM or between 5 PM to 6 PM. It is because people are active on social media during these times to know what's going on.

7. Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturdays

The best time to post on IG on Saturday is between 8 AM to 12 PM. After that, people are busy with their things and sparsely check out their Instagram feed. However, if there are Instagram users who check Instagram 10 times a day, then the window is open for the entire day.

Best Time to Post on IG - Industry Wise!

The best time to post on Instagram for likes varies per industry. Every industry has its norms, ethics, and compulsions. For instance, it is usual to see 5 days working in a week in the IT industry. However, this is not exactly true for companies from other industries. For instance, it is common to find Saturday working in the manufacturing industry in India.

Best Time to Post on IG

Therefore, assessing this from the industry's perspective is also essential. It is important because that is when the target audience is active. The time provided below is not definitive and has been gathered via Internet analysis. However, the subsections below will help you define an initial blueprint for the best time to post on IG. So, let's start!

1. Best Time to Post on IG for Consumer Goods

The consumer goods industry is always active, with customers willing to offer one service or another. However, per the trends, the best time to post on Instagram for likes on content related to consumer goods would be between 1 PM and 3 PM on Thursday. 
A possible explanation would be that in a week, Thursday can be the most idle day in terms of work. This makes it amongst the most active times on Instagram for users. This day can be utilized to sell consumer goods or B2C products, in general.

2. Best Time to Post on IG for Restaurants

It has been observed that restaurants gain maximum engagement on Mondays. Therefore, the best time to post on IG on Monday for restaurants would be 2 PM, after 5 PM, and before 6:30 PM. This is because people often think and engage in posts about the food industry during lunch and sometimes after the office. 

3. Best Time to Post on IG for Media

The best time to post on Instagram for likes on content related to the media industry would be 11 AM to 2 PM. It should be on Wednesday, as more people are online during that time and are more likely to check their Instagram feeds.

4. Best Time to Post on IG for Healthcare and Hospitality

Healthcare and hospitality often intertwine but can be very different industries. For instance, healthcare is an umbrella term for hospitals, pharma companies, diagnostic centers, etc. 

On the other hand, Hospitality can be completely different. For instance, the services provided by hotels come under the category of Hospitality. Also, healthcare is a part of hospitality, such as managing rooms, cleaning beds, providing healthy food options, etc.

For these two audiences, the time varies a lot. However, here are some opportunities in terms of day and time that we found while researching for this article on the Internet:

  • Best days to post on IG for Healthcare: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
  • The best time to post on Instagram for Healthcare is 10 AM to 1 PM
  • Best days to post on IG for Hospitality: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
  • The best time to post on Instagram for Hospitality is 10 AM to 12 PM

Factors Based on Which Instagram Shows Results!

The user’s feed on Instagram continuously refreshes. Once the feed refreshes, users can only see content similar to what they have engaged with.

To further consolidate the idea, it is primarily due to three things:

  • The Interest of the User: Instagram shows feeds to users based on their past behavior and engagement. 
  • Fresh Post: Instagram pushes all the latest feeds. Therefore, if your post is older, the chances of it being seen by the users are sparse.
  • Relationship with the Account: If the user has engaged with the account in the past, Instagram is highly likely to show it to the user.

Tips to Find the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024

Here are some tips that you can follow to find the best time to post on Instagram in 2024:

1. Use a Scheduling Tool to Find the Best Time of Day to Post on Instagram

A scheduling tool is an absolute necessity to drive your social media campaigns. It can help you track your social media activity and understand the best time for engagement. 

Some of the most popular best Instagram tools that can be used for scheduling and driving your social media campaign are:

  • Hootsuite
  • Later
  • Buffer
  • MeetEdgar
  • SocialPilot

2. Try Experimentation to Find the Peak Times to Post on Instagram

Just because a particular website says a certain time is ideal to gain maximum engagement doesn’t mean you must follow it blatantly. 

It sounds a little ironic, considering the previous content of the article. However, marketing is often subjective. This means no single rule would apply 100% to all companies or industries. 

The way to go is to be ready with an engaging post and then experiment to find the peak times to post on Instagram. However, try to adhere to the above-mentioned time to kick-start the campaign.

3. Setup your Priorities

It is important to set up your priorities straight. A marketing campaign is conducted for several reasons. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Increasing engagement
  • Driving traffic
  • Generating leads

Once you have established your goals, you can understand your target audience well. For instance, if I am selling a solution for enterprises, I’d be much more likely to find the right time to post when the CXOs or the procurement team would possibly be online. On the other hand, if I am leading a campaign for a consumer goods firm, there is no ideal time as such. It is because almost everyone with purchasing power is a possible customer.

Some additional tips:

  • Use Instagram insights to learn about the best time of day to post on Instagram
  • Use hashtags that are relevant to the post
  • Don’t just stick to Instagram, test your posts with other platforms too.
  • Try running contests for more engagement

Note: Want to learn about the best Instagram photo and video downloader, here’s an article to sort you out!

4. Try experimenting with Different Content to Find the Perfect Time to Post on Instagram.

It may feel a little odd, but the reality is that certain types of content do well at a certain time and vice versa. Therefore, experiment with your photos and videos and see how they perform at a particular time. 

Also, check how they perform at the most active times on Instagram. For instance, images work well early in the morning. On the other hand, videos work well during the evening. 

When is the best time to post on Instagram for likes on different kinds of posts?

Knowing and thoroughly understanding your audience’s social habits will help you ace the engagement game. It will help you determine the best time to post pictures on Instagram to garner more engagement. 

1. Post: “Post” has been a part of the platform since its inception. The post segment allows users to upload both images and videos. These images and videos become a permanent part of the feed and are shown to visitors. The ideal time to create engagement on posts is:

  • Weekdays: Lunch break (11 AM - 2 PM) and evenings (5 PM - 7 PM) often see high engagement. Mornings (7 AM - 8 AM) might also work.
  • Weekends: Friday evenings and afternoons on Sundays.

2. Stories: Instagram stories are a popular way of sharing regular updates through texts, images, music, stickers, and more. The best time to post an Instagram story is during the hours before work, lunch breaks, or late afternoons.

3. Live: If you are wondering the best time to come live on Instagram, we have it for you. IG is one of the best alternatives for Facebook (as it offers a Live feature, too) for conducting live events. The best time to go live on IG is during lunch breaks. The ideal day and time is Monday to Friday at noon or between 7 PM to 9 PM. 

4. Reels: Instagram Reels are the best way to keep your audience entertained. As per our research, the best time to post reels on Instagram for maximum likes varies for different days. Let’s understand this through a chart:

Days Favorable Time to Post Best Time to Post
1. Monday 5 AM, 9 AM, 9 PM 9 AM
2. Tuesday 1 AM, 3 AM, 8 AM 8 AM
3. Wednesday 6 AM, 7 AM, 10 PM 10 PM
4. Thursday 8 AM, 11 AM, 6 PM 11 AM
5. Friday 4 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM 4 AM
6. Saturday 10 AM, 6 PM, 7 PM 6 PM
7. Sunday 6 AM, 7 AM, 3 PM 3 PM

*All times are as per the EST.

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work in 2024?

Having a clear knowledge of Instagram Algorithms can be a huge advantage for anyone who is looking to grow their reach and presence on the Instagram app. There are many Instagram algorithms at play- each one meant for a different part of the app. Each algorithm ranks content based on different factors. Let’s break it down further.

1. Feed Algorithm - Shows posts and reels based on interests and activity. The rank of your post can be impacted by - 

  • Image and video quality
  • Watermarks
  • Originality
  • Reported Content
  • Violations of the Community Guidelines. 

2. Stories Algorithm - Prioritizes content from the accounts that you interact with the most. The content is ranked based on your - 

  • Viewing history
  • Engagement history 
  • Closeness with the account

3. Explore Page Algorithm - Delivers content based on your previous interactions and interests. The content is displayed based on the history of your likes, shares, and saves.

4. Reels Algorithm - Brands and creators who create entertaining and relevant reels have much higher chances of scoring a better reach. Some key points that must be considered while uploading reels are:

  • Upload high-quality videos
  • Add relevant keywords and content
  • Add on-screen captions

Wrapping Up!

To find the best time to post on IG, not only are the social media marketers required to follow what’s available, but they also have to experiment with the ordeal consistently. This is because there are no fixed criteria for success in marketing. If a certain timing works for a particular brand, it doesn’t need to work for every niche brand. Several aspects dominate engagement on Instagram, and to find the best time, you need to learn and take matters into your own hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time is the best time to post on Instagram?

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  • Is it better to post on Instagram at night or in the morning?

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  • How do you check the best time to post on Instagram?

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  • What time of the day is Instagram most active?

    Image Image
  • Does posting time on Instagram really matter?

    Image Image

By Manish

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With a mixture of literature, cinema, and photography, Manish is mostly traveling. When he is not, he is probably writing another tech news for you!

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