Category Application Development
Top Mobile App Development Frameworks Use the top mobile app development frameworks to be a pro in app development.

For many years, application frameworks have played an important role in helping application developers choose who they want to serve. Frameworks help you deliver to various operating systems. As history would have it, by 2021 we have two major operating systems (Android and iOS) that are among the user favorites. StatCounter shares that in the last quarter of 2020, Android and iOS held 72.93% and 26.53% of the market share respectively. Windows serves 0.03% while others are sharing 0.51% of total devices. On looking closely, each operating system caters to a specific type of audience, at least more than not.

We are sure that you know that mobile application development frameworks play a big role in building amazing mobile applications for different operating systems that users can use and admire. They allow you to create applications with the help of their several sub-components like debuggers, tool sets, different code libraries, interfaces, and many more.

Do you know what are the best mobile app development frameworks developers are utilizing to construct best in class mobile apps? 

To help you choose the best frameworks, libraries and beware you of all the options you have, mentioned below are some of the best mobile frameworks you should consider for your mobile app development.

What is an Application Framework?

In general terms, mobile app development frameworks are software used to simplify the development of applications. It provides a standard way to build and deploy them. This type of framework offers predefined classes and functions which can be reused across different parts of an application. Thus facilitating rapid development and ensuring consistency in software architecture. 

Moreover, mobile application development frameworks are designed to streamline complex coding tasks. This makes it easier for developers to focus on the high-level functionality of the application rather than on the low-level details of handling common tasks such as managing database connections, executing background tasks, or maintaining state information.

Core Components:

Typically, mobile development frameworks include several key components:

  • A set of libraries for commonly used functions. It helps in reducing the need for redundant code. These libraries might include tools for database interaction, network communication, and user interface creation.
  • APIs that allow developers to interact with the framework. They use a set of standards for common tasks, which reduces the complexity of the development process and increases developers' productivity.
  • A runtime environment for executing the application. This environment manages the application's lifecycle and ensures that the code behaves as expected.
  • Development tools that help design, test, debug, and compile the application. These tools often include integrated development environments (IDEs), testing frameworks, and build tools.

Top Mobile App Development Frameworks

1. jQuery Mobile

The creation of an app that will work perfectly on different operating systems and platforms such as iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, Opera Mobile/Mini, MeeGo, Nook, and Firefox Mobile has become very easy with jQuery. ThemeRoller is one of its amazing features, allowing you to create an outstanding design for your application. It is powered by the Ajax navigation system and also plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth animation of pages by eradicating all errors.

Notable features of jQuery Mobile

  • Works for operating systems including iOS, Android, Windows, Opera, Mozilla and more.
  • Themeroller for outstanding design
  • Touch friendly UI widget and form input
  • Ajax page navigation

Know more about jQuery Mobile.

2. Ext JS

This mobile framework is based on Javascript and HTML5 and due to its flexible nature, it helps in creating a wide range of both simple and complex apps. It offers several widgets such as toolbars, menus, forms, and lists, etc. and hence, developing mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows is an easy task. The best thing is that it can work easily with other APIs and this means that you can combine different APIs with an objective to achieve the desired result.

In addition, there are many tools available such as Sencha Test that helps you to test your app by doing cross-platform and cross-browser testing. This is described as a debugging tool, which helps in analyzing the code and in improving the overall performance of the application. 

Notable features of Ext JS

  • Comprehensive Javascript framework
  • Sencha tools support
  • 140+ UI components
  • Hundreds of user extensions

Know more about Ext JS

3. Intel XDK

This development kit is created by Intel and help you in creating HTML5 apps fast. Several amazing features such as supporting industry-leading plugins and tools are available with this software development tool.

With the support of third-party plugins, the mobile app development project can be done in a short span of time. Plugins are also very useful as they help you with advertising, in-app purchasing and authentication to name a few. In addition, you will get power debugging tools such as Chrome Developer Tools through which debugging JavaScript can be done. Weinre is another remote debugging tool that is helpful in running an app on a particular device.

Notable features of Intel XDK

  • HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Support
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Drag-and-Drop UI Builder
  • Performance Tuning Tools

4. Ionic

With the best web and native app components, you can build highly interactive native as well as progressive web apps. This mobile framework is the best choice as it can work in a streamlined manner on the latest mobile devices available. Moreover, Ionic works perfectly with Angular and as a result, you get an efficient core architecture, which is perfect for creating even highly complicated apps.

Notable features of Ionic

  • Comprehensive Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Extensive Plugin Ecosystem
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
  • Live Reload

5. React Native

React Native is globally known as a reliable application development framework that effectively uses JavaScript as its core scripting programming language. Introduced by Facebook, this platform has become one of the best choices of app developers. Various mobile app development companies are considering it one of the top-rated hybrid app development frameworks for the future of app development.

React native app development companies

One thing is sure when you use React Native, you’ll be in touch with a vast React community which later helps you develop an app not even with ease but in the minimum time possible. If you’re searching for the best cross-platform app development, React Native would be a wise option to proceed with. 

Notable features of React Native

  • Hot Reloading
  • Third-Party Plugin Compatibility
  • Declarative UI
  • Component-Based Architecture

6. Flutter

Flutter the best framework for mobile apps. It is a recently launched app development product of Google. The company introduced this platform specifically to facilitate hybrid app developers. The platform has its own native UI components and WebView but instead of using them, it uses Skia, a 2D rendering engine to create appealing visuals. With the use of these visual components, an application will get the potential to resemble native Material Design and Cupertino style widgets.

For Flutter app development companies, it’s a well-managed mobile app framework that makes development easy, swift, and extremely optimized. The amazing thing about this mobile framework is that it offers Hot Reload functionality. This helps developers test the project even without putting in the repetitive restart efforts.

Notable features of Flutter

  • Object-oriented programming language: Dart
  • Rich Set of Widgets
  • Customizable and Extensible
  • Single Codebase for Web and Desktop

7. Adobe PhoneGap

Adobe company has come up with this mobile app framework that provides software solutions like InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, etc. for designers. It has the ability to guarantee high performance on different devices and enable you to deliver the well-developed app to your customers. Apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Mac OS, Firefox OS, Ubuntu and Windows Phone can be developed in a hassle-free manner. 

With a collaboration feature, several app developers can work on a single project and on the other hand, Hydration is one of its wonderful tools that reduces the amount of time required to compile an app and also simplify the process of updating it. This means that when a developer uploads a new version then a user will get a notification and if they are looking forward to running the new version, it will automatically run the final code.

Notable features of Adobe PhoneGap

  • Access to Native Device Features
  • Cordova Plugins
  • Plugin Architecture
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI)

8. Xamarin

Xamarin is an open-source cross-platform mobile app development framework platform that is owned by Microsoft. The platform is supported by C# programming language which again a plus point in its quality list. Known as a developer platform, Xamarin has been actively used to develop native applications for Android, iOS and Mac Os.

It’s hitting the app development grounds and become the best mobile app framework that carefully uses a single and shared codebase to build perfectly incorporated apps for the clients. Moreover, Xamarin has a few impressive advantages that include ensuring fewer bugs and swift app development. It also saves a lot of development efforts and time for Xamarin App Development Companies as it allows developers to reutilize code and other matching syntaxes.

Notable features of Xamarin

  • Access to Native APIs
  • Shared Codebase
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

9. Kendo UI

Kendo UI is also the most reliable mobile app framework which follows updated web standards to provide applications that are up to the mark. Applications developed using this best mobile framework seamlessly get integrated with AngularJS. Developers can further customize the apps to make them compatible with different mobile devices. 

Kendo UI is the best framework for mobile apps. It’s highly efficient and has the potential to compete with the Ionic app development framework which is again a major reason to choose it as an ideal mobile app framework.

Notable features of Kendo UI

  • MVVM Architecture
  • Data Binding
  • Integration with Other Frameworks
  • Touch Support

10. Mobincube

The time has come to discuss Mobincube, the great app interface which is likely to compete with React Native in terms of functionality. This is the best tool that allows developers to develop almost all kinds of mobile apps for sectors like Education, Healthcare, Entertainment, Business, etc. By using this app development framework, business owners can boost their sales in effective manners.

Mobile app developers admire this mobile app framework as it offers the advantage of integrating 3rd party solutions with the newly developed applications. Updating online content, developing advanced functionalities and customizing the functions are the features that make Mobincube the best mobile app development framework. 

Notable features of Mobincube

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface
  • Integration with Third-Party Services
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Built-in Templates

Types of Frameworks

1. Web Application Frameworks

Web application development frameworks are designed to support the development of web applications including web resources, web APIs, and web services. They offer libraries for database access, templating frameworks, and session management, and they often promote code reuse. 

Popular examples of web application development frameworks include Ruby on Rails for Ruby, Django and Flask for Python, ASP.NET for C#, and Express for Node.js frameworks. These frameworks handle much of the boilerplate code needed for web development. Thus allowing developers to focus on the unique aspects of their applications.

2. Mobile Development Frameworks

Mobile development frameworks help in building applications for mobile devices. These can be native frameworks. Swift is among the best iOS app development frameworks and Kotlin is one of the top android app development frameworks. These are designed to work with specific hardware. Alternatively there are cross-platform frameworks such as React Native and Flutter. 

Developers write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms. These frameworks provide tools and libraries that simplify tasks such as UI design, debugging, and testing on mobile platforms.

3. Front-end Frameworks

Front-end frameworks, also known as CSS frameworks, are packages containing pre-written standardized code in files and folders. They provide a foundation to build the front-end part of websites. They help in creating beautiful and responsive designs without starting from scratch. Examples include Bootstrap. Foundation and Materialize. These frameworks offer ready-to-use components like buttons and modals. They also include navigation bars that are customizable and responsive.

4. Back-end Frameworks

Back-end frameworks (or server-side frameworks) are libraries designed to help build the architecture of a website. They manage behind-the-scenes functionality. Web applications handle logic for database operations such as user authentication, URL routing, and server configuration. Examples include Node.js for JavaScript, Spring Boot for Java, and Laravel for PHP. it goes without saying that these frameworks are crucial. They enable the creation of dynamic web applications requiring server-side logic.

5. Game Development Frameworks

These frameworks provide developers with tools and libraries to create games. They often offer features such as graphics rendering, physics calculations, and audio capabilities. Examples include Unity and Unreal Engine. This supports multiple game development aspects across various platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices. These are generally hybrid mobile app frameworks that also provide robust development environments with tools for animation, AI, and more.

6. Test Automation Frameworks

In software testing, automation frameworks help automate the testing process. They provide the foundation for writing test scripts in a way that reduces maintenance costs. They also lower testing efforts. Examples include Selenium for web application testing. JUnit is used for Java applications, and PyTest is used for Python. These frameworks support various testing approaches. Such as data-driven, keyword-driven, and hybrid testing.

7. Machine Learning Frameworks

Machine learning frameworks are libraries and tools that facilitate the development of machine learning models by automating common tasks. These frameworks offer algorithms for data processing. They also assist in modeling and visualization. They are designed to streamline the process of building and training models. 

Examples include TensorFlow and PyTorch. An additional example includes Scikit-learn. They are essential for researchers and developers working on projects involving artificial intelligence. This also applies to data science.

Mobile App Development Frameworks Comparison

While there are numerous mobile app development frameworks out there, some dominate the market in a big way. Let’s study the difference between some of the top frameworks.

Feature jQuery Mobile Ext JS Intel XDK Ionic React Native
Primary Use Building responsive web apps and websites that work across all popular mobile devices. Comprehensive JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications. Used for developing cross-platform mobile and IoT applications. Focus on hybrid mobile apps using web technologies. Building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React.
Language HTML, CSS, JavaScript JavaScript, HTML5 HTML, CSS, JavaScript HTML, CSS, JavaScript (supports Angular, React, and Vue) JavaScript, JSX
UI Components Basic UI components for mobile compatibility. Rich UI components and tools suitable for complex application interfaces. Integrated development environment with UI framework components. Rich set of UI components that mimic native feel. Limited built-in components, often relies on third-party libraries.
Performance Lower compared to native apps; more suitable for simple applications. High performance, especially in complex data-driven apps. Decent performance, suitable for mid-complexity applications. Good performance for hybrid apps, close to native feel. High performance, close to native applications.
Ease of Use Easy to use with basic web development knowledge. Requires more advanced knowledge of JavaScript and framework specifics. User-friendly environment with tools for easy development. Moderate learning curve, especially with familiarity with web technologies. Steeper learning curve due to React patterns.

How to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Frameworks for You?

1. Project Requirements

Begin by clearly understanding the specific requirements of your mobile app. Are you building a simple app with basic functionalities or a complex app with advanced features? Also, consider the target audience and the problems your app aims to solve. This step will guide you in choosing a framework that can adequately support the functionalities you need.

2. Platform Compatibility

Decide whether your app will be developed for iOS, Android, or both. Some frameworks, like React Native and Flutter, support cross-platform development, allowing you to build apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. 
This can significantly reduce development time and costs. However, if you require a platform-specific app that leverages all native features, consider using Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android.

3. Performance Needs

Evaluate the performance requirements of your app. If the app needs to handle complex operations, real-time data, or extensive animations, you might prefer native development frameworks that provide better performance and smoother user experiences. 

On the other hand, for less demanding apps, a hybrid or cross-platform framework may be sufficient.

4. Developer Skill Set

Consider the skills and experience of your development team. Choosing a framework that your team is familiar with can speed up the development process and reduce costs. If your team specializes in JavaScript, frameworks like React Native or Ionic might be more suitable. However, investing in training for a more suitable framework might be worthwhile if it significantly benefits the app's functionality and performance.

5. Community Support and Resources

A strong developer community and comprehensive documentation can ease the development process. Popular frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin have large communities and extensive resources, including tutorials, forums, and third-party plugins, which can help solve development challenges more efficiently.

6. Long-Term Maintenance and Scalability

Consider how easy it will be to maintain and update the app using the framework. Check if the framework is well-supported by its developers with regular updates and compatibility with the latest mobile operating systems. Also, consider whether the framework will allow you to scale the app as your user base grows or as you add more features.

7. Cost Considerations

Finally, evaluate the cost implications of the chosen framework. While some frameworks may be free, others might require licensing fees. Additionally, the choice between cross-platform and native frameworks will affect the overall development and maintenance costs.

8. Testing and Debugging Tools

Ensure that the framework provides adequate tools for testing and debugging. Efficient testing tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required to ensure your app is bug-free and performs well across all targeted devices.


The above-mentioned app development frameworks are truly making high-end app development easier and efficient for app developers. If you’re an app developer, start working with these best mobile app development frameworks. You’ll definitely find it extremely interesting and easy to utilize them as your ideal app development framework.

Mobile frameworks get new features, which will make the app development easier as well as faster. You can choose the best one for your mobile app development as per your requirements, functions of an app, plugins you need, application interaction with a user and your target platform. So, you as an app developer now have the chance to develop apps without any problems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which are the best iOS app development frameworks?

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  • Which framework is best for Android app development?

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  • What are the benefits of using React Native for mobile development?

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  • Which framework is used for mobile app development?

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  • Can I use Vue.js for mobile app development?

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  • What is the significance of NativeScript in mobile app development?

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  • How do mobile app development frameworks handle security?

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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