Category Application Development
Develop an app You don't need to be an expert in HTML or CSS to develop an app, if you know the basics

A couple of years back, you were required to have an advanced level of coding knowledge or need to hire a team of best app developers in usa and designers to build an app, website or even an online store for you. But today, that's not the case anymore! And during this time period technology has evolved a lot, now you don't need to have exceptional HTML and CSS coding skills to develop an app.

There are hundreds and thousands of web and mobile app development companies that are active today and this number will keep on increasing with each day passing. At present, we have high-end business tools at our service that make the process of developing an app fast, simple and easy while investing at a minimum amount.

How Much You Need To Learn About HTML and CSS To Develop An App

There's no denying the fact that HTML and CSS both act as a foundation for the app development. Some even refer to them as building blocks in learning about building an application. Mobile app developers are someone who can be referred to technical professionals who can design, develop and maintain mobile as well as web applications.

  • For HTML

In order to create a website or app some of the most common tags considered are unordered lists ( ul with li inside), headings (h1-h6), images (img), divs and spans, links (a), etc. Other than these, there are many more HTML tags but they are the ones that are not used as often.

Basic of HTML

  • For CSS

In CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets, users are required to learn how to style the text using font properties, changing dimensions, styling backgrounds by changing the image & color, utilizing links through text decoration, making adjustments to different elements like margin, width, icon position, float, padding, etc.

Animations and CSS transitions are omnipresent nowadays as they can also be seen in several major websites as well as applications, that's why learning them is essential.

We also have a large variety of platforms on which these websites and apps can be created like Blackberry, Android, Windows, iOS, Symbian and many more. But the two major players that hold the majority of share in the market are iOS and Android as Apple Play Store as well as Google Play Store is currently the most popular app stores.

What An App Developer Should Know?

The part of performing actual programming in mobile and web development is getting minimized to a point where a non-programmer can successfully build a mobile app. Tools like CSS pre-processors along with other elements such as functions, loops and variables are efficient to be used for JavaScript.

Below are the four steps that you can follow to limit the use of coding skills including HTML and CSS:

1. Start By Cloning Apps/Websites

One of the best ways to learn the basics of CSS and HTML at a faster pace is by cloning i.e. by creating replicas of a basic mobile app or a website. This cloning technique will not only save you from extra research time but also minimize the error search by looking at the original site that is being cloned. Give a boost to your confidence by setting your basics effectively and efficiently.

Cloning Apps/Websites

2. Use Developer Tools

Developer tools that can help you in making the whole app development process a lot easier. For instance, learn to use the Chrome developer tools or you can even try out the ones that are offered by Firefox. These developer tools enable users to view and adjust the HTML elements and other CSS properties.

This way you can also perform bug fixes or transform the style of the pages without interacting with the actual programming code.

3. Find a Learning Partner

This is more like an option or a choice where you can find a coding partner to learn the concepts of HTML and CSS with you. This is a great way to learn new things and many programming experts even suggest finding a learning partner. But to make this combined study session work, you also need some essential traits. And two of the main trait requirements are consistency and discipline without which the web app development process can be long, boring and tiring.

4. Utilize Development Platforms

App Development Platforms have turned into something that has become a basic requirement for an app developer. Such development platforms act as a great base for creating simple applications that do not integrate a number of high-level functionalities. Some of the well-known app development platforms are AppMakr, AppInstitute, and AppyPie.

But for developing apps on these platforms you will also need your app publisher credentials to sell your services and earn revenue from it.

Final Thoughts

Our advice would be to follow a particular direction when it comes to learning programming skills. So instead of learning two or three programming languages just focus on learning one but make a strong command over it. Some of the programming languages that are currently in trend are Kotlin, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and Swift.

We hope that with the help of this article, your questions regarding HTML and CSS coding skills are required to be an app developer. But in case you still have some questions regarding mobile applications and app web development then feel free to check out some of our other articles about them.

Also, to keep yourself updated with the latest updates from the mobile app industry, make sure you click on that ‘Subscribe’ button and join the family of MobileAppDaily.

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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