10+ Best Apps For Seniors In 2024 To Make Life More Comfortable

Express Script is one of the best apps for seniors to get medicines delivered at home 24x7
Last Updated on : April 03, 2024
Best Apps For Seniors
Mobile apps like Medisafe, Blood Pressure Monitor, Dozee, etc are taking care of elderlies for quite some time. With time, as smartphone users are growing, seniors are having a fair share of the app market as well. Pew Research Center has published a report stating that among all senior smartphone users, 74 percent of elderlies belong to the age group of 50 to 64, while 42 percent of users were 65 years old or more.

Best Apps For Senior Citizens




Download WebMD:


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WebMD is designed as an app to help elderly adults with features such as Symptom checker, Doctor Directory, Medication Reminders, etc. The purpose of the app is to serve seniors with instant medical needs. Currently, WebMD is also offering additional features like Coronavirus Updates and news. 

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Express Script‪s

Express Script‪s

Download Express Script‪s:


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Express Script‪s is one of the best apps for elderly care designed to deliver medicines 24x7. Moreover, the app allows users to consult with doctors through chats or calls as well. You can order refills for prescriptions and check the real-time status of your orders. This app has been designed with the consideration of immediate medical requirements. 

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Download Medisafe:


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Medisafe is used to track medicine schedules to save patients from overdose and track their medicine usage. Medisafe can be one of the most useful apps for retirees or seniors with a diagnosis like Alzheimer's or Amnesia. The app offers a simple User Interface to make it one of the best apps for senior citizens to use.

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Magnifying Glass + Flashlight

Magnifying Glass + Flashlight

Download Magnifying Glass + Flashlight:


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This app is designed to help seniors in zooming on small prints, texts, objects, etc. The integrated LED torch is useful to read texts in the dark. Elderlies can use this one of the top mobile apps for seniors in situations where prescription texts are so small to read, or the ambiance lighting is too less to properly see things. 

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Better Me

Better Me

Download Better Me:


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Better Me is one of the best fitness apps senior citizens can use. The app comes with thousands of free workouts. Moreover, the app also includes step-by-step walkthroughs for exercises. You can stay fit even in your 70s with personalized fitness lessons for you including yoga, meditation, and walking among others. 

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Download Empowerji:


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Download Dozee:


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This AI-based health monitor app is built by Indian developers to serve seniors for their medical needs. The AI integrated with this app is capable of detecting symptoms and alerting in advance. Moreover, with the remote health monitoring feature, you can keep an eye on the health of your loved ones as well.

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Oscar Senior

Oscar Senior

Download Oscar Senior:


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Oscar Senior is a communication app designed with a simple UI to make it an app to check on elderly. The app comes with functions like One-touch video call, auto-answer, internet access, fun games, etc. The purpose of this app is to make it as simple as possible so that seniors can use it without any hassle and stay in touch with their loved ones.

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Google Fit

Google Fit

Download Google Fit:


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Google Fit, collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) can track your activity and suggest your goals to boost your fitness. Moreover, you can keep a track of your everyday activities including exercises, walks, or biking. The app is also capable of integrating with third-party apps such as MyFitnessPal, Xiaomi Mi bands, etc.

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Download Uber :


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Uber is one of the best cab booking apps existing to assist seniors. The app has a global network of cab drivers to book Sedans, SUVs, or other types of taxis. This cab booking app to help elderly also provides emergency contacts to help elderlies during rides. Moreover, senior users can share ride details with family and friends to inform them about the ride.

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In the end, let’s just summarize what we discussed above. These apps for elderly which we can see above have different purposes to assist seniors in many ways. Some apps like Duolingo or Oscar Senior are perfect for seniors if they are looking for something to pass time with and learn as well. 

Moreover, Magnifying Glass + Flashlight is suitable for seniors who might have weak eyesight. In short, the conclusion is that these apps can be used in different situations, therefore, keeping them installed in your phone might really come handy.

Before we wind up this blog, we hope you got an idea of the current app market trend and how it’s revolutionizing to assist senior citizens in a better way.  Now if you are a developer and you are also planning to develop an app; you can contact MobileAppDaily to get your app reviewed. Additionally, you can visit the website for more app related blogs and news.

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