
Now Comment Quick With Instagram's New Emoji Shortcuts

Now Comment Quick With Instagram's New Emoji Shortcuts

Date: October 23, 2023

The emoji shortcut bar can be spotted right above the keyboard

Emojis are a fantastic option to reply to any message. It saves you both time and efforts and moreover, emojis are excellent at conveying your mood and thoughts. Taking these all factors into account, Instagram has rolled out personalized emoji shortcuts to its app.

The newly personalized emoji shortcuts will put your most used emojis above the keyboard well before you begin to comment on a post. If you want to experience the new addition, you can update your Instagram app on both Android and iOS.

Instagram informed its users about the new feature through a post on the official Twitter page, which stated, “That feeling when your favorite emojis are right in front of you.”

That feeling when your favorite emojis are right in front of you ???????? pic.twitter.com/QPF8eGc5yD — Instagram (@instagram) September 6, 2018

According to reports, the new feature was in the testing process by Instagram with only a limited number of users. The emoji bar will come compatible with both iOS and Android.

Interestingly, Facebook-owned Instagram’s new feature resembles that of what Facebook introduced on its platform earlier. Therefore, it’s not something very new that a company trade-off features from its other sister companies or acquisitions.

The emoji shortcut bar is currently available to comment on a post, and it won’t appear on sections like when captioning your own posts or responding to a story. But Instagram may bring the ease of commenting on post through emojis and that too right on the screen. It will help the users to cut down on time for writing a full-length sentence.

In yet another report that we released a couple of days ago; Instagram is reported to be working on the IG Shopping app that will let the users’ to shop directly from the brands and stores that they follow. If launched, the shopping app from Instagram will break shackles of the e-commerce domain and take on other apps like WeChat and Spotify.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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