
Now, Instagram Feed Posts Can be Shared As Stories

Now, Instagram Feed Posts Can be Shared As Stories

Date: April 01, 2024

Only the posts from publically shared profiles can be shared as stories

The social media apps have evolved with the time and offer features that make the user to scroll through the feeds whole day. The story is such a feature that helped the social media apps to attract more users with higher engagement. Facebook has also implemented the story feature to its app and the other apps comes under its acquisition. Among all, the Instagram stories is the only one to get the maximum response from the users compared to any other platform. The social media giant has been coming up with more exciting updates for the feature since its integration. Recently it added Music Sticker, emoji slider and cross-platform sharing option to the Instagram stories for the users. Now, the company has added a new option that will let the users to share any post from their feed as a story.

Until now, the users were only allowed to make or share stories either by using the phone’s camera or uploading it from the gallery. Now, with the new update, the users can directly share a post from their feed as a story. The company has already pushed the new feature that will start appearing on your app once you update it with the latest available version.

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To share any post from your feed as a story you need tap the ‘share’ icon on the post that you want to share. Then you will see an option “Add Post To Your Story’, click that option. Now there will be some editing options like rotate, resize with stickers that you can choose to make your story more interesting. Once you are done editing the post click share, and your story will be live on your profile. With this feature, Instagram has made post sharing more convenient for the users. This direct sharing option eliminates all that efforts that you had to put in for sharing a post as a story by taking the screenshot of that post. However, the users can share the post only from the publically shared profiles. Besides, the users can also opt-out of this feature from the settings if they don't want others to share their post.

Instagram stories will undoubtedly experience an exponential increase in the user engagement with this addition.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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