
Google Gets Buy Now Pay Later And 2 More Exciting Features

Google Gets Buy Now Pay Later And 2 More Exciting Features

Date: May 23, 2024

Google Pay, the leading online payment application primarily used for debit, has introduced a new credit system, Buy Now Pay Later, along with two more features.

Google Pay has introduced three new features that completely transform how users shop and make online payments with it. The company has introduced Buy Now Pay Later feature to facilitate credit-based transactions and securely autofill card details. Credit cards often come with a treasure box of rewards, offers, and discounts exclusive to them, but discoverability of these features has always remained tough.

Google Pay gets Buy Now Pay Later along with two more exciting features that enhance its functions. Google is partnering with various credit card companies and pay later organizations to integrate all their offers on its Google Pay app. This information will automatically come forward when a user reaches the payment stage of any online activity. While choosing the right credit card, users will be shown all the offers each credit card provides to compare instantly and get the best outcomes from each transaction.

For example; one card offers 15% cashback while the other offers 20% travel rewards. Users can choose the best one based on their needs, situation, and many other aspects that could not be covered earlier. Google has already partnered with multiple credit card providers and aims to expand the list of available awards to reach the maximum market share. Google is also planning to enable new credit card applications on the platform by integrating various functionalities with their offerings while ensuring maximum security.

The Buy Now Pay Later feature is becoming an increasingly preferred option, thanks to the budget stretching nature of it. BNPL helps users make large purchases without straining existing budgets. For now, it has integrated Affirm and Zip as the two official BNPL partners. It is also actively egngaged with the top banks and NBFCs to offer seamless credit transactions for a wide range of card choices at minimal lending interest rates. 

Card Autofill is another feature that Google has introduced on its Google Pay app. Though it is a late entrant, the high number of active monthly users is enough to make its adoption almost butter-like. With the latest features added, Google Pay has once again become one of the best payment apps.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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