
Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019

Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019

Date: April 11, 2024

It’s the third time that the Blockchain Connect Conference is being organized

The Blockchain has untapped potential, and with the current pace, it's zooming ahead like never before. To bring the world closer to Blockchain, the SV Insight is hosting the third Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019. Here the word “Academic” is the theme of the event.

Event Date: Jan. 11, 2019, 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM | General Admission & Jan. 11, 2019, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | VIP Reception

Event Location: San Francisco, Marriott Marquis

The Blockchain event will offer a world-class platform where authoritative blockchain professors and technical experts will join and discuss the blockchain academic research, problems, and solutions. It will also bring the public chain projects with the most advanced technology on to the domain.

The Blockchain Connect Conference panels and keynote speeches will include topics from research to application. It will be an exclusive opportunity for everyone to learn new ideas and technology in the blockchain industry.

Blockchain Connect Conference Speakers List

Following are some of the leaders who will vent out their thoughts in the Blockchain conference:

  • Vitalik Buterin, Creator of Ethereum
  • Dawn Song, Professor at UC Berkeley, Co-founder of Oasis Labs
  • Mic Bowman, Principal Engineer at Intel Labs, Research Lead in the Distributed Ledger Research Group
  • Elaine Shi, Associate Professor at Cornell University, Co-founder of IC3 and Thunder Token
  • David Chaum, Cryptographer, Founder of DigiCash, CEO/Founder of Elixxir
  • Jun Li, Founder of Ontology, Co-founder of Onchain    

Blockchain Connect Conference Tickets

For grabbing the tickets of the event, you can pick any one of the following tickets:

1. Early Bird Ticket

Currently, it’s on 50 percent off and can be collected at 149.00 USD It will include:

  • Speaking Sessions
  • Exhibition Access  

2.General Admission Ticket

It costs 299.00 USD and includes:

  • Speaking Sessions
  • Exhibition Access    

3. VIP Ticket

It costs 999.00 USD and includes:

  • Speaking Sessions
  • Exhibition Access
  • Lunch Reception
  • VIP Reception     

4. Early Bird Group Discount 

Currently, it’s in 60 percent off and be availed at 119.00 USD and includes:

  • Group discount for 3+ tickets
  • Speaking Sessions
  • Exhibition Access    

5. Exhibition + Speaking

It costs 1999.00 USD and includes:

  • 10 mins Keynote Speaking
  • (2nd Stage)
  • 1 Booth(10’ x 10’ )
  • Referral Program
  • Logo on Logo Wall
  • Logo on Event Brochure
  • Logo on Website
  • 1 VIP Tickets
  • 4 General Tickets        

6. Exhibition Opportunities

It costs 1500.00 USD and includes:

  • 1 Booth(10’ x 10’ )
  • Referral Program
  • Logo on Logo Wall
  • Logo on Event Brochure
  • Logo on Website
  • 1 VIP Tickets
  • 4 General Tickets     

Overall, the event will be a platform where blockchain professors, technical experts, and researchers will meet up and discuss the latest trends of the blockchain domain with the top three chain projects within the blockchain industry.

For more updates on the Blockchain Connect Conference 2019, stay tuned to MobileAppDaily and stay abreast with all the latest happenings of the event.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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