Category Application Development
How to install Android Studion Taking you through Android Installation

Have you ever realised the little green robot-lookalike cladded all in green has reached to adolescence? For those who don’t have that development background, here is the piece of information in the layman language. I am talking about Android. If you have ever got a chance to look at the Android prototype you know the icon looks much like a robot adorable enough in its green avatar. Fairly convinced with this new character? Let’s proceed!!

Giving you the preview of Android was important here as I am about to explore the offerings Android Studio (Google’s official integrated development environment for Android operating system) offers to the developers. And, by the end of the article I promise you will become a pro who will be knowing all the titbits of Android app development. Working on the operating system, Android is fairly effortless provided you know the proceedings. Allow me to give you the preview here through this write-up.   

Prior to getting into the technicalities, let me add few pointers for you

  • Basic step to prepare your computer for Android development needs Android studio installation

  • Android software development kit installation

  • Java kit installation,

With this development, your system is ready to code and test the apps

Let’s Start With Downloading The File

The very first step includes downloading the Java environment on your system. For the installation, proceed here. There are different processing systems and the development kit. You need to find one that could do justice to the version you are currently having on your system. Here is your link to get the Android Studio and the development environment that will be your basic set up to develop the apps.

Let’s Get Started With Android Studio Installation

Java is the base of your Android powered app and thus let’s get started with the same. The programming language is a breeze and thus you can learn that too. For now, let’s concentrate on installing Android Studio.

In order to install the same go forward to download a software called Integrated Development Environment or IDE. The installation is available free of cost by Google and thus you can download it anytime. The software gives users the access to getting all the tools in addition to knowing all the techniques used for the same. By default, the installed app may go to AppData\Local, and thus keep an eye on the same. Your interface will look like this.

Configuration settings

The next step for you is to install Java on your system. This is important so that you could use Android Studio effortlessly. To install Java Development Kit (JDK) you need to visit the link embedded here. The programming language is easy and important too to build your application. It is not only for making the coding easier for you but also for compiling the code. The compilation will come handy afterward and that is why I am eager for you to keep it safe for now. Downloading the Java development kit will ensure you are ready to work under the integrated environment.

Starting The Project

With the steps listed above, you are now ready with the download and the installation of the environment you need. Once you have downloaded the Android SDK, it is now time to go further to start your very own Android Studio project.

You Are Now Ready To Initiate Your Project

Now that you have JDK & Android Software Development Kit, you are ready to initiate your first project. And, the very first step will come as naming the application. Here we go:

Naming Your Application

Opt for the proceeding File > New > New Project to name your new project, the settings will appear once you go down to the menu in order to select the setting listed here. To start your work, name your application by adding the app name in the “company domain” page. Besides the company name you will find a series of columns that you will be filling up to initiate the development. Try the idea of using the same domain name for the business. If you don’t have any specific business name, put up anything you wish to.

Investing Time In Targeting Right Android Version

Going further you will see a screen like this, which is important to figure out what kind of device you are developing your application for?  

As the next step in setting up the app environment, you are developing your application for, you need to stick with the most latest offerings. And, you can choose options including developing apps for phones as well as tablets too. Now, it comes to choosing the latest Android version. There are two different options available with the same, You could either go with “minimum SDK”, the lowest Android version or choose to try the latest version of Android depending on the choice.

image 1

Going, either way will offer a host of benefits to the users. The latest Android version may not remain available to as many users as the older version. Keeping this very requirement upon your wish, let’s proceed further.

Choosing The Activity Type

The next task will come up to adding activity on the next screen. Activities are the elements on the screens you choose to move between. So, choose any activity to choose as shown here. You can do it now or later on.

image 2

Along with this screen, you will find a number of activity including “Basic Activity,” “Bottom Navigation Activity,” “Empty Activity,” and more.

App activities are similar to the pages of a website. Just like the website development, your app making option will offer you “setting” menu and a “main” activity setting menu These are just stand-alone functionalities that will help you to proceed further. With your very first app, it is advised to stick with “basic activity”. In case, you are done with it click the next button to jump to the next activity.You can go further with the settings by choosing “basic activity”>“menu_resource” name. The activity must remain something logical like “code activity” so that it could define the name of your activity.

Naming The Activity

Choosing “Basic Activity” will offer you an additional XML file named “content_main.xml”. It is basically an activity that has the layout that Android Studios offered to you by choosing “Basic Activity”. Different elements can be added at this stage ( if you want to ). The editing can be done through content_main.xml. You can also choose to open it through app > res > content_main.xml.

image 3

Google has given an offering for users by already populating the project with “Hello world” app. Although it requires some of the coding that I have already explained in this blog. Have a look to know more. Android App Development: A Guide For Beginners

If you are well aware of the technicalities now click on the activity_main.xml file and then choose the “Design”. With that you will see a window like this.

image 4

With this setting you will have your very own application there for you. Now, that you have the knowledge and experience to make your very first application, congrats you are a pro in development now!!

You have now taken the first step to become the Android developer now. Although I have not undergone the major functionality with this post I will someday cover all that requires you to be a well-qualified Android developer.

Till then have a look at this post, kick start your very first Android project and delve deep to into the journey of being a successful developer.

Good luck for the endeavor.

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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