Category Application Development
go programming language The Golang programming package sources serve as the core library and also as examples of how to use the language.

We first need to understand what enterprise mobile development means. Enterprise application development refers to the development of applications for enterprises, which follows a complex development process,

Go, also known as Golang, is a compiled Google’s programming language that is statically typed. Google open-sourced Golang in 2009. The language was designed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Rober Griesemer in 2007.

Go is similar to C. However, it improves on C by adding garbage collection, structural typing and safety to memory among other features. Go programming language has experienced uplifting support from the developers across the globe, and now, it sits comfortably among the top ten programming languages in terms of monthly active users.

golang network programming

Reasons to Use Golang for Building Modern Enterprise Apps

Here are the reasons why you should use Go for building next-gen enterprise applications for the growth-oriented industries.

Reason 1: Golang is Open Source

Go was created by Google. By open-sourcing it, Google gives anyone the platform to contribute to the language, This can be done through proposals, increasing its speed, and fixing existing bugs among other things. The source code for Golang is hosted on GitHub.

Despite being a relatively new programming language, Go programming language has almost 500 million programmers. Some people claim that the Go community is difficult because of showing little interest in suggestions. Additionally, the Go community is not open to web frameworks.

Reason 2: Go is Easy to Learn

Compared to other languages, Go’s syntax is easy to learn. You can easily get the language’s concepts in your head, with very little need for looking things up. Besides, Golang programming is easy to read and clean that C programmers with no previous Go experience can read and understand it.

Reason 3: Go is Fast

With its concurrency model and small syntax, Go programming language is really fast. Also, since Go is compiled to machine code, it performs better than interpreted languages and languages with virtual runtimes. Additionally, Go compiles very fast. Go links dependency libraries into a single binary file, which eliminates the need for server dependency.

enterprise application development

Reason 4: Go has an Easy Concurrency Model

With its in-built concurrency, Golang lacks heavy threads, Instead, it uses channels. Additionally, Go’s concurrency model is easier compared to any other language that is around. It’s “goroutine” is a lightweight thread that is communicated through a channel.
Reason 5: Easy Cross-Platform Development

Go is cross-platform, which means that you can write and run the code in any environment. This means that code written on Linux can be executed on a Windows machine. What you need to do is to pass two variables during the execution of the go build command: GOOS and GOARCH.

programming language go

Reason 6: Design for the Cloud

Modern apps are designed to be cloud-native. It follows that programming languages must be designed with the cloud in mind, Golang is no exception and is designed with the cloud requirements in mind. Since Google Go language is written specifically for the cloud, this explains its increase in popularity.

Reason 7: Security and Scalability

Go is strongly and statically typed, which means that you need to be explicit when declaring the type of data. As such, the compiler knows the type of each variable. With a garbage collection feature, Golang cleans up and integrates the whole collection into an executable binary.

Golang has highly suited for scalability thanks to its coroutines which it refers to as “goroutines”. Goroutines allow for lightweight threads to be executed simultaneously, to communicate with channels and for parallel tasks to be executed reliably.

Reason 8: Go Has an In-Built Testing Framework

With Go’s in-built testing frameworks, you have at your disposal support for a wide variety of services and activities. Other than the testing framework, Golang is a modern language with a rich library.

Go has a standard library that is full of features. This eliminates the need for a third-party library. Most of the available libraries are those working on primitive types, input/output, cryptography, and a web server. 

google programming languages

That’s What Golang Future Looks Like

Go is often referred to as the future. The fact that it has Google behind it adds a major boost to this claim. Google has a track record of building products that are highly scalable and efficient. The programming language Go is modern and powerful, which makes it popular.

Through Goroutines, Golang has taken competitive programming to a whole new level. The initial idea behind Go’s design was to create highly-loaded systems. This explains why companies are migrating from other languages to Go.

The EndNote

Golang network programming is an excellent alternative to languages like C and C++. While the language is still young, it is still evolving and adding features constantly. As such, this Google programming language has become the preferred language not only for top enterprise companies but also for developers.

Golang’s features such as garbage collection and goroutines have really made it rise in popularity. What’s more, the Go community has around 500 million programmers. This means that the documentation is always improving, and new open-source libraries for the language always popping up.

The programming languages like Go are bound to determine the app development and the environment in which developers will work.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Golang used for?

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik

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A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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