Category Technology
Google With Android Google is smart then know the smarter ways to stop it from tracking your Android device. Android certainly has transformed our lives digitally. Let’s find out why and how to save it.

Do you realize that almost all the applications on your Android device collect data to a great extent? Yes, you did not give much importance to this fact until now, we are going to guide you why it is important to know and understand the tricks to stop Google from tracking your Android phones. This data collection process is quite common, a developer needs data to keep upgrading the user experience. Yet, there is catch to it, increased rate of cyber crimes and suspicious use of data that has been collected by a few companies has given all the reasons to stay alert and scared to a major group of Android device users.

Google has been recently caught secretly collecting the data of cell tower location of Android users. It was disturbing because this has been happening regardless of the fact that user has turned off the location services. However, a few brand names like Uber, UC browser, and a few others have been there under the scanner for data collection tricks.

Now, we know that most of the applications on Android device require the access to the device data to work, for instance, check in’s, Google Maps etc. to serve you with needed information still, it is very important to give the limited access to the applications to keep your personal and secured data stay safe only with you. After all being an Android device user you deserve to have the controls on each and every move of your device. So, to resolve this we have compiled few tricks for you so that you shall not fall victim to the high-end technological tricks, let’s start with,

Location setting for Android applications:

You need to keep an eye on the applications using the location data, so to check this launch the Setting>Security & Location>Location

There is another way to check with same which is Settings>Apps> tap on any specific app. this process will help you to check what all settings are under the access of that particular app.

Google Location Services, so whenever you try to set up your Android phone, the long message that appears is nothing more than asking for the accessing the location services of your Android device. You can still disable it through Launch settings> Security & Location, then select Device only option so in this case, Google will only be using the GPS to determine location.

Turning off Location, however, will stop the location access for a lot of other applications too which by Google simply means a lot of features will be turned off. Location History can also be cleared easily this history gets saved by Google Accounts on your Android devices toggle between the accounts individually to clear the data.

My Activity is one of the easiest ways to keep an eye on your data and the settings that have been accessed by Google. This dashboard holds an immense amount of data which ranges from recent to searches to a few specific applications. You can apparently delete the saved data by clicking on Delete Activity. Though this can be easily customized on your Android Phone by a keyword search or filter by product then go ahead and select the items to be deleted.

Final Thoughts

Do you love giving voice commands? Then you should know even that data gets saved. So again, access this data on your Android device via My Activity>Voice & Audio Activity History. Chose to stay alert with these tricks, it is your mobile device and certainly, you have full right to have a complete control over the same. Now, beat the heat of data drain even if that’s Google with above mentioned smart Tricks. Good Luck!


By Manish

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With a mixture of literature, cinema, and photography, Manish is mostly traveling. When he is not, he is probably writing another tech news for you!

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