
Your College Admission Is Now In AI’s Hands

Your College Admission Is Now In AI’s Hands

Date: January 05, 2024

The University of Colorado Boulder has developed an AI tool that can evaluate college admission essays without bias or subjective opinions. Let’s see how it helps.

Getting admission to a reputed college will always be a difficult task. It involves highly focused preparations to reach thousands of applicants, which, till now, is done only by human admission officers. This evaluation process has existed for ages but also involves human bias which often is given a mask of fair judgment. Thanks to the proactive research on AI done by the University of Colorado Boulder, a new AI tool has been developed to change this process for the greater good.

The newly formed AI tool is a huge step towards more equitable college admissions that brings into consideration the factors that the human eye may often overlook.

How Can AI Help?

Over half of the GenZ believes that college admissions are biased and outdated. AI can help transform this opinion and strengthen confidence in the process. The AI tool built by the Colorado University team focuses on finding objective indicators of potential, preventing bias due to gender, race, wealth, and other stereotype factors. With a data-led evaluation, human evaluation officers can get their hands on a supplement to improve the selection batches and grow the top line of graduates in the coming years.

Underlying Hesitation Of The AI

The AI tool is still a new product and is undergoing continuous development and learning to mimic unbiased human judgment accurately. The AI’s prediction of a student’s likelihood of graduation may not be a strong indicator of their future success. The evaluation tool's capabilities are limited and programmed to analyze essays based on the content and personal qualities.

As the learnings of AI are taken from prior admission cycles, it may still develop bias without knowledge of it. The team ensures that each data point strictly eliminates gender, racial, and socioeconomic status from evaluation factors or creates new biases.

With the success of this AI tool, AI intervention in the education sector can grow further to evaluate term exams, SATs, and other fields of academic growth. These tools will not replace human judgment but will help supply more information to make decisions that deliver promising candidates.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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