
WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management

WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management

Date: April 18, 2024

Meta has introduced chat filters on WhatsApp, redefining the home interface to be more organized and accessible.

WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature to make the interface more organized and chats easily accessible. The latest introduction on the app is WhatsApp chat filters, which divide the home screen into three sections. The filters are currently limited to three sections, All, Unread, and Groups. 

WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management

Chat filters are tools designed to segregate chat types for easier access, and keep the user experience much more organized. The three filters provided will effectively help businesses organize and prioritize conversations. 

  • All - Here, users will find all the conversations sorted in a latest-first format, including individual and group chats.
  • Unread - This section will show all the unread messages sorted in a latest-first format, including individual and group messages.
  • Group - Users can access all group conversations here, both read and unread, sorted in a latest-first time format.

These features will especially help small-time business owners, budding startups, and interaction-based businesses like travel groups, optimize customer engagement without the need of a new phone or number. Allowing Unread messages filter will help users find and prioritize incomplete conversations without scrolling through the timeline. The All section will give the same look and feel as the previous main screen.

A spokesperson of Meta said, "We believe filters will make it easier for people to stay organized and find their most important conversations and help navigate through messages more efficiently."

To access these features, users will need to update their WhatsApp application to the latest version, and the sections will automatically appear in the next version. Messaging apps have been evolving rapidly in the last few years, showing growing interest of digital socialization.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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