
24 Million Unique Visits On AI Websites That Undress Women

24 Million Unique Visits On AI Websites That Undress Women

Date: December 12, 2023

In a shocking and tragic discovery by a social media analytics agency, Graphika, it was found that over 24 million people visited AI websites that undress women.

Deepfake AI has ruined the names, reputations, and even lives of people already. With AI evolving faster than we can control the people who misuse it, the number of unprecedented victims is growing like wildfire. In recent news, an independent study conducted by a social media analytics firm revealed that Deepfake AI websites that undress women clocked over 24 million visits in September alone. This is a shocking number even to comprehend, as the number of fake pictures, especially of naked women, is still a mystery.

Deepfake has existed in the world for years, but it did not have the instant creation power till AI arrived at our doorsteps. The 24 million unique visits come from only 34 websites that use AI to manipulate existing real-world images on user’s demand. The firm has named the category of service offered by these websites NCII (Non-Consensual Intimate Imagery).

How Did 24 Million People Find Them?

The best aspect of social media is also the enemy of the general public if misused by the wrong hands. These Deepfake AI websites reach people in the masses through social media promotions that redirect them to their referral links. The referral link spam volume surged by 2000 percent, mostly from the popular social media website X, formerly known as Twitter.

How Do These Deepfake AI Websites Work?

Freemium is the new premium, and these websites are making loads of money using this method. They offer a few deepfake images for free and then charge a fee for subscriptions or tokens to generate more. This gives the abusers a taste of what they can do. The premium plans unlock more customization options like body traits, age, and higher-resolution images. Inpainting is the key devil behind whatever these websites can do. It lets a user select a particular body area and then replace the highlighted area with a custom-requested object, most of which is a naked body’s interpretation.

Who Is It Affecting?

It directly affects the people whose fake images are being generated. However, it also indirectly affects the AI tools that are made available for professional purposes. Deepfake AI is a powerful tool that can reduce both time and money spent on multiple forms of media production. But with the rapid growth of the misusers of this technology, the actual beneficiaries are suffering both monetarily and in reputation. Another aspect that these abusers destroy is the overall reputation and outlook of Artificial Intelligence development globally. Thankfully, Europe has taken the first concrete step towards the ethical and legal development of AI by introducing its first draft of AI law.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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