
Twitter Announced to Expand Tweets Limit From 140 Characters to 280 for Trial

Twitter Announced to Expand Tweets Limit From 140 Characters to 280 for Trial

Date: March 11, 2020

Long due demand of Twitter users is finally going to roll out soon

For the first time, Twitter has decided to expand its tweet limit from 140 characters to 280. Twitter expressed its vision behind this decision to enable users to tweet their expanded thoughts without running out of words limit. The trial of expanded 280 characters will take place in selected languages including English, said Twitter.

However, this feature has been launched only for the testing phase as of now so, just a small group of people can access it, and most probably later on it’ll be made available for the larger public roll-out.

Twitter Limit

The company mentioned the reason behind this sudden trial of expanding characters limit of the tweet, it said, the character limits of the tweet was drastically affecting those tweeting in some specific languages like English, Spanish, French in comparison to those tweeting in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

The company found out the reason behind this huge difference between Eastern and Westerns in the usage of tweet characters, East countries like China, Japan and Korea can convey the double amount of information in just one character as compared to westerns.

Can’t fit your Tweet into 140 characters? ???? We’re trying something new with a small group, and increasing the character limit to 280! Excited about the possibilities? Read our blog to find out how it all adds up. ????https://t.co/C6hjsB9nbL — Twitter (@Twitter) September 26, 2017

A recent study showed that the Japanese use only 15 characters on an average to tweet while English Language users tweet around 34 characters in average. They also found out that only 0.4 percent of Japanese use 140 characters while tweeting whereas it is 9 percent with English language tweets.

More Character

According to Twitter, all languages except Japanese, Chinese and Korean will get the expanded 280 characters limit Tweet feature.

This change by Twitter is considered as the notable move by its users due to high demand for expansion in tweet character limit.

Twitter Graphh

However, there is still to analyze the success rate of Twitter after this notable feature, so keep tracking our other stories and we’ll update you with further developments of this news.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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