
Elon Musk's Twitter Shake-Up Continues as Twitter Blue Head Esther Crawford Gets Laid Off

Elon Musk's Twitter Shake-Up Continues as Twitter Blue Head Esther Crawford Gets Laid Off

Date: February 27, 2023

Twitter reportedly lays off "dozens" of employees, including prominent product manager Esther Crawford

Twitter Blue head, Esther Crawford, has been let go from Twitter following a series of layoffs at the company. 

Crawford was in charge of various projects, including Twitter Blue with verification subscription, and Twitter's upcoming payments platform. This news comes after confirmation from The Verge that Crawford and most of the remaining product team were let go this weekend. Speculation has been growing that Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, may be about to install a new regime at the company, as he aims to stabilize the organization and ensure it is in a financially healthy place. 

In a recent interview, Musk even mentioned that he was looking for a replacement for himself as Twitter CEO before the end of the year. This is not the first time that Twitter has gone through layoffs under Musk's ownership. Last year, drastic cuts were made that halved the company's workforce, and this latest round of layoffs is at least the fourth since Musk took over. 

Crawford was one of Twitter's most prominent product managers and emerged as a key figure under Musk's leadership. She was also known for tweeting a picture of herself on the floor of Twitter's office in a sleeping bag and eye mask, showcasing her commitment to working round the clock to meet deadlines. 

The layoffs affected "well above 50" people across multiple departments and included Martijn de Kuijper, the founder of the now-shuttered Revue newsletter platform that Twitter acquired in 2021. 

Let's keep an eye on further developments at Twitter, especially regarding Musk's plans for the company's future.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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