
Tinder Is Using AI To Help You Get Better Matches

Tinder Is Using AI To Help You Get Better Matches

Date: August 03, 2023

To a lot of people, just getting matched with someone on Tinder feels like an impossible task. But AI is now here to help them out.

Every person in this world has someone written for them, but are they also using Tinder when you are? Are they looking for someone like you? If so, will the algorithm of Tinder help them reach you? What if your profile picture was not exactly the one that she would get impressed by? To solve these really complicated doubts that one might have after constantly failing to find matches on Tinder, the team has come up with a solution powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Tinder is now officially working on developing AI capabilities to improve matchmaking for its users. Right now, the development team is in a testing phase of an AI photo selection feature that will look at a user’s album to find the best 5 photos to represent their profile with their relevant audience.

AI To Solve The Nervous Energy

“AI has really inspired our product people across the entire company to really think about ways that we can create new experiences, but also solve for key dating pain points,” Match Group CEO Bernard Kim said.

People usually get nervous while deciding what to write in their bios and which photo to use to impress the lookers in the 3-5 second window they’ve got. Also, the swipe rate of men as compared to women is quite contrasting making it difficult for men to actually be seen or read well.

“I really think AI can help our users build better profiles in a more efficient way that really showcases their personalities,” Kim added.

In this quest to find matches by impressing them, people have forgotten that they want to find the one who matches with their personalities. That’s where AI can help not only boost confidence but also support your mind in building confidence in who you are.

Can You Rely On AI For Love?

Tinder CPO, Mark Van Ryswyk hinted at an AI-powered bio writing feature at a conference last month. “You know, some of us are gifted writers, but many of us are not…So, being able to help draw out what’s important to capture in a bio, you know, sharing something a bit more personal or maybe that’s just sharing a highlight, or just sharing what your intent ultimately is,” Van Ryswyk said.

Tinder will now have access to your gallery to identify the best 5 pictures for your profile. But will it take responsibility if even after these improvements, you still end up having no matches? We really don’t think so. Even though Tinder is building robust generative AI technology to improve your experience on the application, the ultimate responsibility of finding the right partner lies on you. So, it is better to write a good bio that actually defines who you are, select the best & latest photos from what you’ve got, or go out in the sun to click some good sunkissed photos. The new generation seems to like them.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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