
Is Tinder Behind the 'Dating Apocalypse?'

Is Tinder Behind the 'Dating Apocalypse?'

Date: April 07, 2024

Weekends went by swiping left or right in Tinder of the millenials.

Its Weekend and the bar is stuffed with youngsters getting their throat chilled with drinks after a long hectic week at the office. Surprisingly, instead of sweating on the dance floor most of them were busy with their smartphones.

While looking closely you will find that all of them are busy in swiping left or right on Tinder. Yes, the social media dating app has taken the world on a much faster track then we ever imagined.

Nowadays Tinder is way more a medium for instant hookups than a dating website. The app which was launched with an idea to meet people looking for a perfect mate using the technology has taken a totally different track. Whether it's New York, Chicago or New Jersey the story remains the same with Tinder. Men and Women swiping left, until they found someone attractive and their type of spending a night.

All this is coming directly from the young Tinder users who shared that the platform enables them to find the perfect sex partner in no time. Where Vanity Fair interviewed a young man in the bar and asked them about their Tinder user, the Wireless shared different perspectives about the app.

The new hookup culture spread through the Tinder has gone global and become a common thing among youngsters. Three men whom Vanity Fair has interviewed at Manhattan pub shared their opinion and experience with Tinder dating. All the men were in their twenties, and one of the names Alex mentioned that it is so easy to get laid with the help of Tinder.

Besides, he also explained how he managed to hook up with five girls in the last week using the dating app. According to the group, no person is looking for their true love on the dating website instead everyone wants a perfect night partner.

Moreover, the app also helps the users in saving effort and time for pairing up with someone they might like. Now, the app eliminates the need for you to reach girls/boys in the pub and ask them out. Moreover, it also saves you from the embarrassment of getting dumped straight away.

You just need to get a compatible match on your profile and wait for him/her to respond to your request. However, things are a little bit rough for the girls where several times they got an inappropriate message on the profile form desperate ones, but the blocking option is there.

So, Tinder is turning out to be a perfect hook up the machine for the users where they can skip the part to meet, knowing each other over 3-4 dates, and finally land to the imagined scenario. Instead, the people get in contact with the person who thinks likewise for a one-night relationship and no strings attached.

Now, this raises the question that is Tinder killing the modern romance where two people meet first with different intentions?  Wait, is there any modern romance that exists?

The meaning of dating has been shifted by Tinder’s new approach used by this generation. However, on the other side, there are still some people especially women who take Tinder as an opportunity to find their soul partner.

But, unfortunately, the count of these people is very less probability of finding the likewise on the app is too low. According to the stats, Tinder owns almost 3.8 million users across the globe and out of which 54% of users are single.

On the other hand, only 3% of users on Tinder are divorced or split. These facts show that most of the active Tinder are millennials or falls in the age group of the twenties.

There is one thing that I am sure about is the dating app has become an icon for getting laid among the youngsters, and this is taking the many beautiful aspects of dating to extinction. However, I don't blame Tinder much for putting the modern romance in the back seat, rather it is the millennials who are using the platform for their physical needs.

Facebook, is also testing its new dating app that will be launched soon. The app will hide the profile of the user and allow them to find a match and start dating if they like each other. There is no doubt after some time the users may turn Facebook’s upcoming dating platform into another Tinder.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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