
Wait Is Over: Giphy Is Back On Snapchat

Wait Is Over: Giphy Is Back On Snapchat

Date: October 23, 2023

Animated Giphy Support is Back on Snapchat

Earlier this year, both social media platforms including Snapchat and Instagram added the GIF support on its platform that they removed after users find racist GIF on the platform. There were a lot of controversies on the racist GIF issue as a result of which the Giphy integration was removed from Snapchat. And, it was really not a great move for users. However, the Giphy support is now alive on Snapchat and will surely delight the users.

Knowing about the racist issue on its platform, a Snapchat Spokesperson quoted 

“As soon as we were made aware, we removed the GIF and have disabled Giphy until we can be sure that this won’t happen again . . . while we wait for Giphy’s team to take a look at it.”

On the same issue an Instagram spokesperson quoted:

  “This type of content has no place on Instagram. We have stopped our integration with Giphy as they investigate the issue.”

Gif support

To get its lost status back Giphy left no stone unturned and the series of events were reported like this by Giphy:

“A user discovered an offensive GIF sticker in our library, and we immediately removed it per our content guidelines.

After investigation of the incident, this sticker was available due to a bug in our content moderation filters specifically affecting GIF stickers.  We have fixed the bug and have re-moderated all of the GIF stickers in our library.

The GIPHY staff is also further reviewing every GIF sticker by hand and should be finished shortly.

We take full responsibility for these recent events and sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended.” 

giphy support
It’s worth mentioning that Giphy stores its database from the GIFs that users upload but users are not allowed to post offensive or abusive content on the platform. On the racist GIF issue, Giphy echoed, the GIF was only available due to a bug in the content moderation feature. The company is trying hard to get its lost status back that it is sure to have in a few days’ time owing to the popularity it has enjoyed in the past.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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