
ChatGPT Saves $5000 In Wedding Planning For The Brides Of New York

ChatGPT Saves $5000 In Wedding Planning For The Brides Of New York

Date: April 25, 2024

AI-savvy brides of New York are utilizing the powerful LLMs of ChatGPT to plan their weddings and are saving up to $5,000 on the way.

Weddings are expensive. They take a toll on both the bride and groom in terms of mental stress, financial burdens, and physical exhaustion from preparations. Should the best day of a man's and woman’s life be filled with many tolls on the mind, body, and pocket? Artificial Intelligence supposedly thinks otherwise and is already saving tons of money for the soon-to-be brides of New York.

ChatGPT, OpenAI's AI chatbot, has been effectively helping brides plan their weddings, optimize budgets, find the best resources like photographers, and much more with just prompts. The average wedding planner in New York charges between $5000 and $23000 to cover a wedding. 

That was the case with Maria Cortese, whose jaw dropped on getting a $5000 quote from a New York wedding planner. With just over $34,000 saved for the wedding, Maria felt she needed a better solution. She turned to ChatGPT, even though she had never used it before. To her surprise, ChatGPT did most of the work on her behalf regarding planning, sorting, and organizing things at no cost. 

“I’m saving so much money,” Maria bragged. I don’t need a wedding planner. The AI does it all.” The best part? She used the free ChatGPT 3.5 version for it all. Cortese has also decided not to hire a florist for her wedding. With the huge amount of money and time saved, she plans to use ChatGPT for a DIY project to arrange the bouquets herself.

Cortese is one of the many brides who have turned to ChatGPT and its peer AI chatbots to help them plan their weddings. According to a survey by Zola, a virtual wedding hub, nearly 52% of engaged couples are learning to trust automation as a solution to their wedding needs. This movement can cause a huge disruption in the wedding planning industry. Fewer humans will be required for mundane tasks, and higher creativity will be expected from premium service providers at much lower costs.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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