
You Can Now Rent A Restroom Near You For $15/15 Minutes

You Can Now Rent A Restroom Near You For $15/15 Minutes

Date: September 25, 2023

If you are looking for a quick refresher or unloading some pressure urgently, you can rent a restroom near you, starting from $15 for 15 minutes.

Have you ever been in a situation where your personal urgency did not meet your expected unloading room? Have you ever thought of taking a shower after deboarding the flight, but the flight itself got delayed for hours? For all situations like these, people have mostly ended up staying irritated, with high-pressure bowel control, and sometimes losing to the calamity. 

Nancy Asare, a woman subjected to this natural emergency multiple times, finally came up with the idea of making nearby private restrooms rentable for a nominal price. She co-founded the application RestSpace, which functions almost like Uber. You get restless, open the app, find the restrooms listed near you, and book a restroom usage appointment, starting at a reasonable price of $15 for 15 minutes.

During the COVID-19 period, finding a restroom to relieve yourself was one of the biggest adventures a person should never have to face. The spaces that Asare wanted to use were either not clean enough, or closed which led to a Restroom Roulette situation.

Prices usually start at $15/15 minutes, but users can choose for a higher price option based on their needs or features of the rentable restroom. Starting from San Diego’s little Italy, Asare has converted a spare space in her building’s first floor into a multi-purpose restroom that can cater to the needs of taking a quick bath, nursing children, going to the loo in emergencies, and much more.

For people who have a spare space and don’t mind strangers using them for their personal needs, this can be a great business opportunity to earn a handsome side income. 

It's really allowing people to earn extra income on something that they already have. It's not an inconvenience. You're already there. It's meant to be super easy.

- Asare

These conversions don’t need a lot of investment or renovation. They just need your space to be tidy and utilitarian at the least to start earning $15 for a 15 minute usage. Asare said that nearly 400 people have already used the app and were quite satisfied with its accessibility in San Diego, California, and Dana Point. The application gained quick popularity during the Comic-Con event in July. She is planning to expand the concept to other states.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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