
New Feature for Uber Drivers for Rating the Riders

New Feature for Uber Drivers for Rating the Riders

Date: April 03, 2024

Now, drivers will be able to offer feedback to the riders with an option to state a specific reason.

Uber is working very hard to maintain a balance between the riders and drivers by adding new features to the app continuously. The company provides both riders and drivers a chance to rate each other in order to share any complaint.

However, riders always had an upper hand while rating the driver with some additional options. Now, drivers will be able to offer feedback to the riders with an option to state a specific reason.

Prior to the update, drivers were only allowed to rate the rider after every ride, but now they can add additional information if they rate 4 or less. This means next time when an inpatient or rude rider take the back seat keep things in mind you want to tell company after the ride ends.

Once the ride ends you will see a screen for rating the rider if you choose to rate 4 or less Uber will ask you the reason. You will be given some options such as “wait time,” “patience,” “number of riders,” “attitude,” “wanted a new route,” or “other” to select from.

Uber Update

Drivers can choose the 'other' option and tell specifically what problem they faced with the rider while riding. If a rider receives the same ‘tag’ twice within 30 days the company will send a warning to the rider. The rider will receive a notification saying that their behavior is affecting their Uber rating.

The rider's poor behavior has always been a point of concern for the Uber and a major cause of stress for the drivers. This new feature enables the drivers to share specific feedback with Uber and the company will suggest the riders to improve their rating.

All the major and minor updates from Uber is a part of the company’s “180 days of change” campaign to heel the company’s damaged image. The company recently also announced to call off its car leasing program, Xchange Leasing after facing a huge loss. As a part of the campaign, the company recently added a feature that teaches basic sign language to the riders to communicate with deaf drivers.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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