
Multiple Users To Secret Codes, Here Are WhatsApp’s Latest Updates.

Multiple Users To Secret Codes, Here Are WhatsApp’s Latest Updates.

Date: February 22, 2024

WhatsApp has released a series of new updates to its application, including secret codes for chats, usernames, multiple user logins, and more.

Meta has revamped almost every feature of WhatsApp after its acquisition without reducing the brand recall value or overall look and feel. The tech giant has been releasing multiple series of updates to improve security, user journey, privacy, and control. The world’s most popular messaging platform is now coming up with its latest set of updates to enhance the experience and safety of WhatsApp further.

Even though the exact date of release is unknown, you can expect them to roll out in a phased manner. Here are all the updates WhatsApp is expected to release soon.


WhatsApp has always kept the phone number as a user’s primary source of contact search. After observing the rising preference for username-based searches, the platform will release its username feature soon. Users can now create unique usernames and search for people with just theirs. The Signal app has also announced the release of this feature yesterday.

Renewed Status Bar

The status bar section is one of the latest real estate inclusions on WhatsApp. Till now, users had to open a status to view it. Now, they can simply look at the preview without opening it by holding a redesigned large-sized thumbnail. The channels will be placed below the personal status updates. Channels will also be able to upload their statuses soon for their mobile and web user communities.

File Sharing

Like Google’s quick share feature, WhatsApp is expected to introduce file sharing with up to 2GB transfers per file. However, the easy file-sharing feature will work only for physically nearby receivers.

Secret Codes

WhatsApp has been testing the secret code feature for over three months now and is expected to release the official version soon. With this feature, users can lock their chats to improve the privacy of individual conversations of their choice.

Screenshot Prevention

Users can easily capture screenshots of profile pictures without any tracking. This feature creates a lack of transparency in ensuring the privacy of users. The latest feature will prevent users from taking screenshots of profile pictures. It will instead show an error message that reads, “Can’t take a screenshot due to app restrictions.”

WhatsApp has been continuously improving itself to cater to the evolving needs of users. The leadership stance it has gained requires this much effort to sustain the position in the long-term. Meta’s involvement in WhatsApp’s journey has led to major changes that have helped the platform grow and become much better than before.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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