
Are You Missing Out On The Best Of Bitmojis

Are You Missing Out On The Best Of Bitmojis

Date: April 04, 2024

While many still limit their Bitmojis to Snapchat, there’s much more to them than what meets the ignorant eye

As the year’s festive season hails the world with Christmas carols and New year resolutions, social media is swarming with Bitmoji to celebrate the joy. The adorable full-sized avatars can be found on almost all social media platform including Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. As a tech enthusiast, my obvious concern was what are the possibilities that they bring with them. After digging through all the related research on Bitmoji, I’ve come up with a list of tricks you can play with Bitmoji. Needless to say, to access these feature, you have to first download the Bitmoji app, available on App Store and Google Play Store. Once you download the app, you can log into the app with your Snapchat account. Now that’s done, let’s get started.

Build your Bitmoji avatar

In order to do Customize your Bitmoji avatar, enter the Avatar Builder to select your Bitmoji's hairstyle, facial features, body type, clothing, and more. As for the clothing and background, browse the Outfits tab to match Bitmoji's clothes and background to the trending festival/ occasion. Now that you’re dolled up for the Bitmoji bubble, access the following settings on your phone. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > Bitmoji > Bitmoji > Enable Full Access > Allow. Your Bitmoji is now at your service.

You can send Bitmojis through Snapchat, iMessage, Airdrop, Google Chrome and even Slack. Anywhere else outside the list, you simply have to copy and paste the Bitmoji.

  1. Snapchat: The social media app offers plenty of Bitmoji stickers to play with. In order to send a Bitmoji in a Snap, simply select the friend you want to send it to, press the Bitmoji button on the far right side under the text box, and select the Bitmoji sticker you want them to receive. 
  2. iMessage: If you have an Apple device, texting will no longer be boring for you as you can exchange tons of fun Bitmojis via iMessage. In order to send one to your friend, open an iMessage conversation, click on the apps button (to the left of the text box) and launch the app store. Under the "manage" tab, switch Bitmoji to "On." Now, return to iMessage, select the Bitmoji icon under the text box, and select the Bitmoji sticker you want to send. 
  3. Airdrop: If your friend is close by, Airdrop eliminates the hassle of dropping your Bitmoji without being in a text message. Simply browse the Bitmoji app, press the sticker you want and select "Save to Photos." Next, access the sticker from the gallery, press the "Share" icon in the bottom left corner, and choose the recipient from the AirDrop menu below. Now that your Bitmoji is saved to your gallery, you can share it in an email as an attachment, upload to Facebook or download as a PDF. 
  4. Google Chrome: When something is as fun as your Bitmoji, why should it be limited to a few apps. Unleash your adorable avatar to the Desktop by downloading Bitmoji's extension from the Chrome Web Store and log in with your Snapchat account. If you want to send the avatar in a Facebook conversation or any other messaging platform, all you have to do is open the Emoji extension, and drag and drop the sticker you want into the message. 
  5. Slack: If you’re a little braver than the rest, you can bring your Bitmoji even to the office. Just visit Bitmoji's slack website to install the app to your Slack and send your Bitmoji in any conversation.

Happiness is to be shared, so why should your Bitmoji be alone? You can team up with your friends and make collab stickers and share them with the world. Great way to show how weird your best friend is, isn’t it? To access this feature, open your Snapchat, select a conversation with a friend who also uses Bitmoji. Press the emoji icon and swipe right until you see a sticker that includes both you and your friend.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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