
LinkedIn’s New AI Tools To Learn, Recruit, Marketing & Sales

LinkedIn’s New AI Tools To Learn, Recruit, Marketing & Sales

Date: October 04, 2023

LinkedIn is going big on utilizing AI for learning, recruitment, marketing, and sales with tools built on the OpenAI platform.

LinkedIn has emerged as the leader of professional social networking. It is also the largest global platform for business leaders, recruiters, and job seekers to find and connect with their right audience. In not-so-recent news, Microsoft bought 49% of stakes in LinkedIn and is now the major investor owning the platform. With an investment of nearly $13 Billion in the social media platform, Microsoft is now combining the capabilities of LinkedIn with its other owned venture, OpenAI. 

LinkedIn is now introducing a slew of Artificial Intelligence tools that will dramatically change how users interact with the platform. Over 1 Billion users actively utilize the platform’s benefits monthly, reaping a goliath revenue of $15 Billion last year for the company. Now, adding AI to the services offered is expected to increase the revenue trajectory while continuing the platform’s strong stance as a market leader.

Back in March, LinkedIn launched AI-powered writing suggestions for users to interact better with others on the platform. The latest AI features are thoroughly integrated into the core functions of the recruitment and talent sourcing aspect, from helping write better job descriptions to accurately searching the perfect candidates for highly customized requirements.

An extensive yet user-friendly AI assistant will be functional for general users later this year. What else?

AI-Powered LinkedIn Coach

LinkedIn is also a rich source of learning for job seekers and recruiters. It is now deploying an AI-powered Coach who will give personalized guidance to candidates to prepare better, give professional responses, and upskill their capabilities to suit the latest market demands better. 

AI-Enabled Marketing & Sales

AI will also lend its support in the field of marketing and sales, as both of them are major contributors to the company’s revenues. People have become accustomed to the efficiency of AI in making their jobs easier, faster, and more productive. One of OpenAI’s products, ChatGPT, has given first-hand experience of what AI can do to improve their professional and personal lives. The same capability is now coming to the marketing and sales teams trying to generate leads and conversions from the platform. 

LinkedIn, however, is not new to the AI game. It has always been working on AI-powered toolsets for internal and backend efficiency. In one way or another, AI has always been powering something critical for LinkedIn. The major shift for the company with regards to offering AI will be from internal backend to outward consumer experience and benefits. Users will start seeing the output of these latest AI tools on the platform soon.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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