
LinkedIn’s Upcoming AI Coach Will Help You Get Better Jobs

LinkedIn’s Upcoming AI Coach Will Help You Get Better Jobs

Date: July 28, 2023

LinkedIn is actively working on an Artificial Intelligence powered coach that will elevate the personalization of career advice while filtering job opportunities.

LinkedIn, a renowned Microsoft company is now developing an AI coach that will offer guidance, job seeking assistance and much more than the traditional LinkedIn automated system. This information was revealed by an app researcher Nima Owji, who uncovers insightful facts about the latest and upcoming technologies.

LinkedIn’s spokesperson Amanda Purvis told the press that the organization keeps exploring new ways to not only improve user experience but also to be of more help to job seekers and employers. However, the company is still silent about the AI coach’s development information.

Introducing LinkedIn Coach

What Will It Do?

While the assumptions we make right now are just out of the blue, one thing we know for sure is that LinkedIn’s AI coach will certainly elevate the experience of professional career building to the next level. With LinkedIn coach, you will soon be able to:

  • Apply for jobs that accurately match your preference and capabilities without the huge time spent on finding them.
  • Learn new skills that fit right into your portfolio for improving your reputation as a professional both as a beginner and an experienced veteran.
  • Better ways to connect with like-minded professionals who will not only engage better with your content, but will also have a higher chance of sharing it to their own timelines.

The Abundance of AI

We have been witnessing a steep rise in the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in almost every leading business. One of the leading technology companies, Microsoft has been putting AI chatbots in almost every product it has offered to both the general users and businesses.

From Bing to the Office document-generating Copilot, it is on a godspeed mode of integrating AI at every level. Similarly, multiple globally renowned brands have come up with their own AI platforms that enhance their own business proposition. Adobe for instance has introduced Firefly that generates creatives through an AI-powered engine. This tool is in itself the best foot forward for Adobe in terms of leading the creative space even in the AI wave.

The evolution of AI technology is surely helping a lot of us out here. Let’s hope this trend keeps getting better for our greater good.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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