
LinkedIn AI Chatbot Now Gives Jobseekers Inside Information

LinkedIn AI Chatbot Now Gives Jobseekers Inside Information

Date: February 09, 2024

LinkedIn has introduced a series of AI updates, including the AI chatbot, which can help job seekers get better opportunities.

LinkedIn recently introduced AI features to help employers find better candidates faster. The tech giant has launched a new AI chatbot to help job seekers find better job opportunities. The AI chatbot is tailored to help job seekers optimize their profiles and present themselves as strong candidates.

Users can enquire about jobs, company culture, and salary averages. This information is sourced from LinkedIn’s trove of company and industry data. The chatbot provides bullet point answers with the latest data surrounding them through OpenAI’s generative AI capabilities.

In addition to job queries, the chatbot can provide career guidance based on their timeline activity. The new features will be unlocked through a Sparkle emoji that opens the AI chatbot. Based on the content the user shares, the chatbot can also assist in ideating new posts and suggest strategies to improve engagement and reach. 

LinkedIn’s Rohan Rajiv explained that job hunting can feel like climbing over a high wall just to see if you’d be a good fit for a role. “You’re hoping you can reach out to the other side of the wall and figure out: What are my chances here? What is it like to work there?”

This update comes after a series of AI feature introductions focused on improving employers' experience and efficiency. A healthy job market provides opportunities, but the challenges for job seekers remain as difficult. From matching skills to the latest job trends to handling complex application processes, the journey is not easy. 

LinkedIn’s latest AI chatbot can provide some sort of relief to job seekers while guiding them to better job opportunities. The chatbot can become a great tool to get inside information about employers, cultures, growth potential, and other warnings.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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