
Apple's iOS 11 Limits Uber's Location Tracking Rules

Apple's iOS 11 Limits Uber's Location Tracking Rules

Date: April 04, 2024

Apple added “while using app” feature to location sharing option

Apple this week finally enrolled the latest version of iOS for iPad and iPhone, the apple devices will now be equipped with the most awaited AR feature. However, a small tweak  added by the company has now enabled user's authority to limit the sharing of location data  with the app makers.

The feature is not being touted as one of the major updates in iOS but it really helps the user to secure their location details.

Uber may be the main reason behind the update as its app uses the user’s location to navigate the drivers towards pickup destination. Last year, Uber updated its app with an option which forces the users to choose between ‘always on the tracking’ and ‘disabled the tracking permanently’. The ‘always on the tracking’ option empower Uber to know the user's location even when the app is closed.

Uber Update

With the iOS 11, Apple limits uber's control over customer data and gives more power to user on their location sharing. Now, all the apps requesting to track the user’s location can be limited to “while using the app” option by the users.

The newly rolled out feature will restrict the app from fetching user’s location when the app is not being used. Apps like Uber can only obtain the user’s location only when they are using the app. With this change, Apple forced the Uber to update its location sharing option to “never” or “while using app” or “always” choices in its app. On Apple's developer page, it is also suggested that the users should put “while using app” as default preference for location sharing.

Last year, a privacy group filed a lawsuit against the Uber after the company changes its policy to alert users that it might track their location even when the app is inactive.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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