
Instagram, Threads, And Facebook Go Down Globally For Hours

 Instagram, Threads, And Facebook Go Down Globally For Hours

Date: March 06, 2024

All Meta-owned platforms started glitching and logging users out of their accounts on Tuesday throughout the globe. What caused the mass outage?

What would you do, if not by choice but by external compulsion you get logged out of your Instagram account? Will you go out and socialize with your friends or simply keep trying to get back in? The world faced this dilemma yesterday when all the Meta-owned Instagram, Facebook, and Threads platforms went on a mass outage. The world’s top social media apps started glitching and throwing people out of their accounts out of the blue.

Elon Musk took the opportunity to take a dig at Meta. He posted on his X platform, “If you're reading this post, it's because our servers are working.” The CEO of X never leaves an opportunity to target its competitors when they are down but keeps it light enough to remain entertaining

People began tweeting about it as if they could do nothing on Meta platforms. Knowing what was happening to their close-to-heart accounts was a global outrage. While the outage lasted the entire day and intensified as the day progressed, Meta soon released a statement accepting the issue. The tech giant’s official representatives posted their response on X but did not mention the reason behind the outage or the timeframe of the correction process.

Meta communications director Andy Stone confirmed the outage in a post on X, noting, “We’re aware people are having trouble accessing our services. We are working on this now.”

The Conspiracies

Multiple conspiracy theories and deductions erupted on the internet, questioning the outage. Users who believe in the global size and scale of the Meta servers and securities built-in started pointing at the election day across several US states. Yesterday was a Super Tuesday in the US, which marks millions of citizens headed toward the polling booths. 

Some people posted on X that Meta might be coming up with a new major update, and the integration process may have glitched the entire platform. However, none of these allegations were true, and the platform finally revealed why its three top social media platforms went out for almost an entire day.

The company explained that the outage was caused by errant configuration changes in the routers it uses to coordinate traffic across data centers. Meta’s stock did not get affected by this outage. It dropped by 1.25% to 491.96, but the reason could not be correlated with the global outage.


Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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