
Instagram Now Allows You To Join Your Friend

Instagram Now Allows You To Join Your Friend

Date: April 03, 2024

Just pop in between the live streaming of your friends

Instagram is expanding its live broadcasting service with a new update which makes going live with friends on the platform easier. The Facebook-owned social media platform added a request button that appears during a live video to join your friends live video. However, Instagram previously added the option to allow live streaming together with friends, but this option allows your friends among the viewer to join you in between the streaming.

Instagram live streaming feature that allows the users to go live and enable the followers to comment and send hearts to streaming. The feature has become a more integral part of this generation’ social life to garner maximum attention on the social media platform. However, the feature also helps the celebrity or public figures to connect with their fans seamlessly.  Now, Instagram added an option ‘Request button’ that allows the viewer among your followers to request you for joining the live streaming. After you accept the request the person will join you in the live video. The screen either will be divided horizontally or vertically among those two users depending on the orientation of the video.

New! When watching a friend’s live video, tap the “Request” button to let them know you'd like to join in. pic.twitter.com/Xb6S969YJU — Instagram (@instagram) November 21, 2017

This is a great addition to the Instagram while watching your buddy’s live streaming you feel like your presence is required just hit the request button. The best part of the request button is that you will also get a moment to fix your hair or change your location before you are connected to the live stream. While streaming, you can also see how many requests you have received by tapping the double smiley face. Simply approve the request you want to share your live streaming with or cancel it.

However, the request button for live streaming has a limitation, it works only among the friends which means that only the viewer whom you follow back can request for the live streaming. This restriction saves you from adding any unknown user that might ruin your live streaming. Using the feature may be annoying as you could get tons of request if you have huge followers on Instagram, so you can also choose to turn on or off the feature. In addition to this Instagram is also testing an option that will allow the users to follow the hashtags for enhancing the user’s experience.

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Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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