
Be On High Alert About This Latest Instagram Scam

Be On High Alert About This Latest Instagram Scam

Date: August 28, 2023

People are getting scammed off INR 10 lakhs in the latest Instagram scam trend. Here’s how you can keep your hard-earned money away from the scammers.

Instagram is a place where anything and everything exists freely, until and unless the surveillance catches and eliminates the threat. But it is also lurking with things that even Instagram cannot detect. Scammers are getting smarter every day, and keeping yourself aware of their advancements is nearly impossible. In recent news, a software professional from Manguluru lost over INR 10 lakhs by getting deceived for earning a passive income.

What’s The Scam About?

Passive income is becoming necessary for professionals who want to do more than meet their daily needs. They are always on the lookout for an easy, fewer hours, and attractive enough opportunity to earn a second income. And scammers are on the lookout for people who exactly fit this description. 

According to the latest scam victim, the scammers run attractive ads on Instagram that will compel you to explore the opportunity. Then, you will be redirected to exit Instagram and open Telegram, where you will connect with an expert ready to scam you in the disguise of an investment opportunity. All you need to become a victim of this notorious activity is to say “I am interested” in the scammer’s Telegram inbox.

The victim explained that she was not asked to send money to the scammer but instead received an amount of INR 9100 in her account via Google Pay as part of the verification process. This money is usually sent to build trust in the victim's mind. Then, she was told to invest a nominal amount of INR 20,000 with a promise of huge returns. She was convinced enough and went forward with the transaction, but the transaction failed. The woman still sent INR 10,50,525, which successfully went through. After this transfer, her number was blocked, and the scammer vanished, only to make her realize she had become a victim. 

Here’s How Can You Be “Not This Person”

To not be a victim, all you need in the basic framework of your defense mechanism is common sense. This is a rarely used trait but is abundant in every person. Remember that even if your old-time friend from school texts you one day for urgent money, and your gut instinct tells you - NO, listen to it. But, to save yourself from these professional scammers, here’s what you can do.

  • Never click on ads from suspicious ads. They are mostly the ones that feel too good to be real.
  • Always avoid unsolicited Emails, texts, and notifications that offer huge returns on investments or any suspicious earning opportunity.
  • Keep your personal information away from social media platforms where scammers can access it. This includes your Email ID, phone number, government ID, credit card information, and UPI address.
  • Verify all requests promptly or quickly connect with your registered bank to seek professional advice on the transaction's authenticity.

Vigilance is the best weapon against scammers, as the more aware you are of these notorious professionals, the better you can safeguard your sensitive information and hard-earned money from getting scammed.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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