
User-Friendly App Is The Key For Maximum User Retention

User-Friendly App Is The Key For Maximum User Retention

Date: March 28, 2024

Keep more focus on making your app user friendly

The mobile app market is getting more intense every day with the addition of hundreds of apps to the app stores. With the introduction of new technologies such as AR and VR, app business is growing at double pace. However, in developing an app that stands out of the crowd and users get addicted to it requires extra efforts on basic factors of the app.

App Annie, the app market data and insight company released a survey report that states that user-friendly apps have the maximum retention of the users. The company carried out a survey by asking what helps in attaining the maximum user retention considering the to mobile app factors. Among all the top factors that drive the user retention, user-friendly experience voted by 59% of the people as the key feature.

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35% selected ‘value-added features’ as the prime factor and the reason for users visiting again to the app. The third place is acquired by the ‘Targeted relevant content’ with 29 %, however, the user-friendly experience is almost double than the ranked 2 and 3 factors. The ‘network effect’ and ‘personalized communication with the users’ scorer worst in the survey with 15% and 17%  respectively after 7% said they have no idea.

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“Developers will want to balance creating the best possible in-app experience with using these other factors as ways to cement or incrementally improve retention. Given that it’s less costly and more effective to retain an existing user than to acquire a new one, this is an area worth investing in” App Annie reported.

In a report that the company released on 26th of September said that it surveyed over 800 app marketers to know what will be the app market budget in future. App Annie reported that out of 800 marketers 63% believe app market budget will increase in general. Where 23%  said that the app market budget will ‘increase a lot’. On the other hand, only 5% of the marketers shared that their app market budget will decrease in the coming time.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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