
Grok AI Beta Version Will Become Open-Source This Week

Grok AI Beta Version Will Become Open-Source This Week

Date: March 12, 2024

Elon Musk, the CEO of X, has released a statement that his xAI startup will become open-source this week

X has become extremely popular around the world. Less well-known is xAI, another startup owned by X’s CEO, Elon Musk. The startup released Grok chatbot earlier this year as a rival to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Musk has officially announced the beta version release of Grok AI, a power-enhanced version that will also become open-sourced. 

Elon Musk tweeted on his official X handle, “This week, @xAI will open-source Grok.”
A user commented, “OpenAI should do the same. If they are 'open' that is.”
Elon Musk replied, “OpenAI is a lie.”

The aggressive CEO also sued Sam Altmann, the co-founder of OpenAI, for allegedly breaching their original contractual agreements around Artificial Intelligence. Altmann fired back with a detailed response claiming that the contract was agreed upon a for-profit structure, but Musk wanted complete control or a merger with Tesla.

Ever since Elon Musk has been using subtle ways to express his views on OpenAI’s open-source nature. He even said that he would drop the lawsuit if OpenAI changed its name to ClosedAI.

By making Grok AI open-source, the platform will allow inspection, modification, and enhancement of the source code for other developers to build and utilize for their projects. Being open-source also allows for easier integration and API conversion of the chatbot to specific areas of technology.

Grok was earlier extended to India and 46 other countries, including Australia, Canada, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Singapore. The chatbot is currently made accessible for Premium+ users of X. The top tier X Premium+ subscriber base can readily access the beta version of Grok AI to test its enhanced capabilities.

OpenAI and Microsoft CoPilot are two of the most advanced generative AI tools in the world right now. With the inclusion of Grok AI, Musk's position as a leader in the AI space may change.

xAI is also heavily involved in the R&D of Artificial General Intelligence, the new-age supercomputer AI. To date, no company has claimed to have achieved even the testing stage of its AGI products. 

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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