
Google’s Duet AI Will Attend Meetings On Your Behalf

Google’s Duet AI Will Attend Meetings On Your Behalf

Date: September 05, 2023

Google is working on a new Artificial Intelligence tool named ‘Duet AI’ that can attend meetings and note key points on your behalf.

The time has come for all those who are done with boring meetings to actually not be there. Google is building a new AI tool, Duet AI, that can help you prevent hours from attending boring meetings by itself attending them. The new AI tool is still under development, but the supposed features have been announced already on the internet. Google’s Duet AI will be one of the latest flagships next year, of which the ‘Attend For Me’ feature is sparking conversations worldwide.

For all organizations using Google Meet for their internal or stakeholder meetings, this feature will attend on their behalf, take textual notes and video snippets of critical discussion points, and auto generated queries about something the user wants to discuss. This auto generated query will be visible to all attendees of the meeting. 

Duet AI is still in the development phase and won’t be available for either testing or sampling for the public till next year, which is also its tentative launch date.

What Can It Do?

Duet AI can help enhance users' overall experience and efficiency across Google Workspace tools. But this feature has taken all the limelight as remote workers hail it as their next big Corporate life savior. If a user is running late for a meeting, they can prompt the Google chatbot to join the meeting and start taking notes. It will also summarize the meeting discussion to help you quickly catch up with the team’s conversation till then. 

How To Use It Wisely?

Duet AI is prone to mistakes as it is still in the early learning phase of development. It is important to verify the details of the information captured with diligence. The tool is highly prone to misuse, and Google is also working on preventing it. For instance, if everyone sends their AI assistant to a meeting, it will automatically end the meeting call. 

The tool will help professionals who multitask get the best of the meeting’s information without missing or stressing themselves out. If it succeeds in commercially launching by next year, and in case no other competitor beats it in the launch timeline with a similar AI tool, it can literally be a game-changer in the Corporate world.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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