
Google Rolls Out AI-driven 'Google News' App For iPhone And iPad

Google Rolls Out AI-driven 'Google News' App For iPhone And iPad

Date: March 24, 2020

The new app has succeeded the Google Play Newsstand app.

One of the major highlights of Google’s annual I/O developer conference was AI-powered “Google News” application. The new move has put the Google News in direct line of fire with Apple news app. Google has rightly analyzed the need for every user and features like this will be more handy for prioritizing news topics.

After signing in with your Google account, Google News will pick up your preferences and topics which according to it will be significant for the user. The app works in coordination with artificial intelligence and the personal data of the user. 

Google News app update houses different tabs like For You, Headlines, Favorites, and Newsstand. Every tab will have the respective rundown. For instance, in “For You,” Google will display stories of your interest, depending upon your activity and in “Favorites,” one can pick selected topics and Google will come up with the top stories of that particular segment. The "Headlines" and "Newsstand" will offer you to sail through the important headlines of the day and subscribe to the monthly magazine respectively.

Google News

Img Source: 9to5google

With Google News, you’ll see:

  • Your briefing – It can be nearly impossible to keep up with every story you care about. With your briefing, easily stay in the know about what’s important and relevant to you. Your briefing updates throughout the day bringing you the top five stories you need to know, including local, national, and world content.
  • Full coverage – Understand the full context of any story with just a tap. Google News gives you everything online about a story and organizes it for you – highlighting different perspectives, a timeline of key events, FAQs, important people, and more.
  • Credible sources – Find quality content from a diverse set of credible publishers and discover sources you haven’t heard of before.
  • Stories, for you – Keep up with what’s happening on the topics you care about, whether that’s travel, politics, sports, tech, or fashion.

Google has jumped into the race with Apple at a very crucial time. A few weeks back, Apple released “Apple News Exclusive” piece to make more room for its news app.  

The catch over here is, Google has released the Google News for both iPhone and iPad on the App Store. I don’t know if Google is trying to get an edge over Apple news app down by offering any tempting features and user-friendly app, but one is quite evident, Google is taking Apple news app head-on. Only time will unfold the dominant one in the news app field.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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