
Google Maps Got New Updates to Help You Better Plan The Transit Ride

Google Maps Got New Updates to Help You Better Plan The Transit Ride

Date: March 19, 2020

Some Google Maps users were getting commute related questions from the last couple of months.

Google Maps app is already reigning in the web mapping ecosystem and to add more teeth to it; Google has recently added a new transit crowdedness predictions feature that will let the user know about the congestion in the public transports.

Google Maps congestion prediction feature is rolled out in 200 cities around the globe. The new feature is expected to show live traffic on Google maps and will help the commuters to plan their transit ride better and the user can head out accordingly.

Google will furnish the congestion data based upon the commuters last rides. It has come to light that from the past few months, Google was popping questions to some users to help with details about the level of the crowdedness of their transit trips.

Google Maps pushed me a question about how crowded my subway was pic.twitter.com/wwApt8j2zb — Jeremy Fisher (@jeremyhfisher) August 5, 2018

The user reported that after completing their trips, Google Maps for iOS and Android showed them four options, namely:

  • Many empty seats;
  • Few empty seats;
  • Standing room only;
  • Cramped standing room only.

So, it’s evident that Google has collected enough data to combine it with its AI-enabled apps to figure out the live traffic information.

Along with this, the app will be getting real-time information direct from local transit agencies, which will help in knowing if the bus will be late, how long will be the delay, and other similar details based upon the traffic conditions along the route.

Google Maps for iOS and Android

Taylah Hasaballah and Anthony Bertuca, the Product Manager at Google Maps, stated in a blog post,

“Transit schedules don’t always reflect real-time traffic conditions that impact your ride, which can cause a lot of unnecessary stress when you end up arriving later than you thought you would.”

They further added,

“To solve for this, Google Maps is launching live traffic delays for buses in places where we don’t already have real-time information direct from local transit agencies. You’ll now be able to see if your bus will be late, how long the delay will be, and more accurate travel times based on live traffic conditions along your route.”

Google maps traffic prediction

The new update from Google will be add-on other exciting features that were rolled in the last few months like Incognito mode, parking locations, real-time speeds, and traffic jam crowdsourcing.

With Google maps traffic prediction, it clearly vents out Google’s aim to retain millions of users who are using its navigation app daily and will be a boost to stay at the top among other similar apps.

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Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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