
Google Brings Machine Learning To Ads For Business Growth

Google Brings Machine Learning To Ads For Business Growth

Date: March 11, 2020

The machine learning equipped ad campaigns will be rolled out in the next few months by Google

Google introduces machine learning for the advertisers to put more relevant ads that will help them to capture more consumers. The Mountain View-based company is taking the Google ads one step further with the help of machine learning. The company said that in the past the technology has already helped us in making many processes and work simpler.

Nowadays, people are more likely to depend on the mobiles, and this makes them expect to get every job done faster. According to Google the machine learning for ads will bring endless opportunities to advertisers for their business growth. “We’ll explore how this technology works in our products and why it’s key to delivering the helpful and frictionless experiences consumers expect from brands.” Google wrote in its blog.

Here are the few keynotes about the machine learning in ads

Responsive Search Ads

With the help of machine learning, Google plans to make ads more relevant and customized for the users. However, making this possible at a larger scale isn’t an easy task. So, the search giant will blend the machine learning with advertisers’ creative ideas to come up with Responsive search ads. The advertisers just need to provide 15 headlines, and 4 descriptions rest will be taken care of by the machine learning. Google also claims that the advertisers using the machine learning ads will get 15 percent more clicks on average. The Responsive Search ads will be rolled out for the advertisers in next few months.

Maximize Lift For YouTube ads

Undoubtedly YouTube, the Google-owned video streaming platform is one of the most successful channels for the advertisers. Due to the popularity and huge engagement, YouTube ads are very important for the advertisers. Users spent more than 1 billion hours every day while streaming videos on YouTube. Moreover, people turn to YouTube for information before making a small or big purchase. The advertisers could use this opportunity by placing their ads at the right time for the consumers. The search giant uses Maximum Lift to make this possible, and the machine learning puts your ad for the consumers likely to go for your brand after watching the relevant video. The Maximize Lift is available in beta, and the final version will be launched by the company later this year.

Local Campaign

Google mentioned that people still consider the physical shops when they need something immediately. 'Near me' Google search is the prime channel for the people to find a place where they can buy anything quickly. In the last 2 years, the ‘near me’ search has increased by 3 times. Now, with the help of machine learning Google started a new campaign that will drive foot traffic exclusively to your shop. You will be required to provide your business locations along with ad creative, and the company will manage the ad to bring more consumers to your shop.

There is a lot more to come

The tech giant also mentioned that the machine learning edition would be bringing much more to the ads. There will be enhanced shopping campaigns that will enable the advertisers to achieve big revenue goals without manually manage the bid for every product. Besides, the machine learning will also optimize your ads on Google.com, image search and across the millions of website. The technology will even understand and predict the seasonal demand to manage your ads and covert the impressions on ads for increased revenue.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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