
Time To Say GoodBye To BlackBerry Messenger

Time To Say GoodBye To BlackBerry Messenger

Date: February 05, 2020

BlackBerry consumer version is going to vanish, says Emtek

Only around a month ago did Emtek announce that BlackBerry Messenger application would soon be discontinued. But who would’ve thought it would be this soon that this once ubiquitous messaging app would be plugged out on the 31st of May, 2019?

BBM was launched in 2005 and only three years later, Indonesia-based tech conglomerate, Emtek 11, acquired BlackBerry Messenger. Till the time it was not available on other platforms, all BlackBerry devices were sold majorly because of BlackBerry messaging services.

In 2013, BlackBerry messaging services were made available on various other platforms, such as iOS and Android. But, sadly, due to the ever-growing, soul-crushing competition between other messaging platforms, BBM lost its popularity.

“We poured our hearts into making this a reality, and we are proud of what we have built to date,”

Emtek posted in their blog post last month.

“The technology industry however, is very fluid, and in spite of our substantial efforts, users have moved on to other platforms, while new users proved difficult to sign on.”

Before BBM services vanish forever, users can still download their files, photos, and videos. The BBM enterprise will still be available for business users for a nominal amount of $2.49 after the first year.

The death of the consumer version of BBM can be seen as the end of an era of classic messaging services.

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Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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