
Global Blockchain Congress 2018, Kolkata

Global Blockchain Congress 2018, Kolkata

Date: August 29, 2023

Global Blockchain Congress will host the discussion about the emerging Blockchain technology

Revolutionizing every business sector, Blockchain is considered as the biggest game-changer since the invention of the Internet. The tech domain never seems to cease as developers and scientists continue to push technological limits to new heights. In recent years, the

Blockchain technology has become the center of the discussion by leaders in tech space and governments.

Acknowledging the importance of Blockchain technology, the Department of Information Technology & Electronics has taken a concentrated step towards establishing West Bengal as an emerging Technology Hub.

Global Blockchain Congress, on Dec 18 & 19, will be hosted in Kolkata at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Newtown. The event aims to make people explore the potential of Blockchain technology.

The event will occupy workshops, generate awareness, work on knowledge sharing through discussions and provide a platform for all allies- industry, startups, corporations, governments, and investors to understand the disruptive technology and collaborate on the same.

Speakers of the Event

Delivering knowledge on such an extensive Blockchain ecosystem will be experts from all around the globe. Some of the speakers contributing towards the event include:

  • Prof. Bart Preneel: Expert- Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Belgium
  • Prof. Kouichi Sakurai: Kyushu University, Japan
  • Mr. Rajesh Nambiar: General Manager, IBM Corporation, Singapore
  • Padmashri Dr. Bimal Roy: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  • Mr. Gary Nuttall: Managing Director, Distlytics Limited, London
  • Ms. Rosine Kadamani: Co-Founder, Blockchain Academy, Brazil

With many more guests & speakers joining the event, The State Government of India is attempting to make Bengal a center for emerging technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence(AI), cybersecurity, etc.

The blockchain is a vast and diverse subject, which takes immense learning and study to understand the content. Also to mention, MobileAppDaily has noted experts who cover the subject with in-depth research and analysis with an altogether different section on our website.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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