
Fortnite Update 7.10 Patch Notes Revealed!

Fortnite Update 7.10 Patch Notes Revealed!

Date: April 04, 2024

Epic Games rolled out a new Fortnite update

Epic Games keeps the festive celebration going by treating its players with a Fortnite 7.10 update. The update has come across all platforms like PS4, iOS, and Android, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch.

The Fortnite official Twitter account has confirmed the news:

“The first Content Update for v7.10 is available now. Drop by the Patch Notes to unwrap details on what’s inside."


The first Content Update for v7.10 is available now. Drop by the Patch Notes to unwrap details on what’s inside. https://t.co/F4i3EDn5ya — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) December 23, 2018



The headliner being ‘14 days of Fortnite limited-time event,’ begins on December 19 and features new limited time zones and offer new challenges.

Fortnite Season 7 comes in handy with various new updates. Here are some of the patch notes released for the game. 

Limited Time Zones: 14 Days of Fortnite 

The Fourteen Days of Fortnite features two time zones:

14 Days of Fortnite

Team Terror - "Monsters have invaded the Battle Royale island! Two teams will battle it out as Cube Monsters join the fight. Defeat the other team to earn a Victory Royale.”

Slide - "Ice blocks on everyone's feet, infinite ammo grapplers in everyone's inventory - a recipe for a slippery good time!"

To find out which modes are available to explore, log in each day at 9 AM ET(1400 UTC). 

Weapons and Items 

In the new Battle Royale update, heavy assault rifles witnessed a couple of changes, most notably in the hip-fire department. The gun will not be as accurate while aiming down-sight but remain deadly while ADS.

The base accuracy is reduced by 30 percent while ADS accuracy bonus is increased by 10 percent. The accuracy while standing still is also increased by 10 percent. The vertical recoil has been reduced by 6% while accuracy on jumping and falling has been diminished by 60 percent.

Balloons also witnessed a slight improvement. While in the air, balloons can be released by pressing ‘crouch’ instead of ‘jump,’ reducing the level of accidental release.

Bug fixes- You can no longer pick dynamite through structures.


Stormwings will take 50% more damage when it hits the object, and the players inside will receive 50 percent damage when the plane gets destroyed.

Sticking a landing on all four wheels of a vehicle will not damage the player inside and it's now easier to pick up items dropped near a mounted turret.

Bug fixes- Everytime player jumps after a building underneath a zipline; animations no longer play in brief. The issue where the players would get flung across the map has also been fixed. Collisions around ziplines have also been improved.


More Pop-Up Cups and Friday Night Fortnite competitive modes are expected to come soon. Resource caps have been updated from 700/500/300 to 500/500/500. While the number of materials remains the same, you can now carry more brick and metal.

Instead of 100/50/50, the resource gains on elimination has been adjusted to 50/50/50.

Bug fixes- The bug where the players didn't receive elimination reward while getting a kill with a trap has also been fixed.


Resolution on consoles and frame rates has been widely improved. While the winter biome ambient audio has been improved, the volume of Quad Crasher boost sound has been turned low.

Other minor improvements have also been made for emote music playback.

Bug fixes- Victory Royale sound effects which were different for the mobile/switch has been fixed.

Other Updates 

Winter Themed Islands and winter village prefabs are new to the game. There are a total of 4 winter islands which you can select from the player Rift on the starter island.

While UI buttons have been updated, icons are made more visible in the snow now. The exit vehicle button has been moved to a new location.


While Fortnite currently being wrapped around legal controversies for stealing a dance move for its game, these new updates is surely a treat for players this Christmas.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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