
Facebook Relaunches Its Long Lost Events App As Facebook Local

Facebook Relaunches Its Long Lost Events App As Facebook Local

Date: April 04, 2024

Facebook Local could give competition Foursquare and Yelp

Events, the app which was launched by Facebook last year for its users to get updated with events and happening in the town. Unfortunately, the app was not a big hit for the company and eventually got lost. Now, the company is relaunching the app with a new name ‘Local’ and added more features to it. Facebook Local is much more than just finding the hot events, it also helps the users in hunting down the restaurants, bars, and nearby attractions.

The social networking giant is rebranding its Events app with a new name and some alluring options. Facebook Local uses the Facebook’s 20 million business pages, reviews and the friend's check-in to source the information. The user can check the local events, shows, latest news on Facebook Local and also discover places to hang out with the friends. Facebook Local will also give the review and information about every place given by other users. “Make it a lot easier to do certain kind of looks ups that are very common when making plans with friends,” said Aditya Koolwal Facebook Local product manager. The whole idea behind the Local app is to use all the information from Facebook and provide it comprehensively on a separate platform. This will help the users to directly pin out the places and events just by opening the Local app.

According to Sensor Towers, the Events app was never crossed the #139 rank on the social networking apps chart and received only 100,000 downloads. The Events app was only capable of telling the nearby events and happening by using your Facebook circle and local business pages. The app was too slow and contained bugs in order to provide the information which annoys the user. On the other hand, the relaunched the app Local provides many options to the user, along with events the user can also find other cool places to kill the time. The app also shares the shortest route available to the cafe or bar you are planning to go. The calendar option shows your day’s event along with the nearby events and the app also guides to music events, nightlife, art and many other attracting happening on certain days in the calendar. By opening the Discover feed you can explore the trending events, places, and the locations of your friends checking in just like SnapMap in Snapchat app.

The Facebook Local is a much-advanced version of the Events and if promoted well by the company could become a new trending mobile app. However, Facebook already has all the information that is given by its Local app but buried under many tabs. Providing easier access to the events and other places information under a new social media app is a smarter move by the company. The app could help in selling the event tickets and promote nearby businesses too, by turning Facebook Local into Foursquare-like app could generate big revenue for the company. On this Aditya Koolwal cleared that “ Facebook Local won't have any ads promoting businesses and events, but the company could think about it in future”.

Local is now available on iOS and Android.

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Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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