
Facebook Took Initiative to Help Blood Seekers in India

Facebook Took Initiative to Help Blood Seekers in India

Date: March 11, 2020

Finding blood in urgency will be easy by this noble feature of Facebook in India

Facebook is planning to roll out a new feature where Indian users can sign-up as the blood donors. This initiative can be perceived as the noble one due to its benefactor impact on the masses. In India, there is an acute shortage of safe blood and it has been noticed that sometimes people in urgency post their requests seeking for blood.

Therefore, to meet this sense of urgency, Facebook has launched a new feature for better connectivity of donors, patients, and hospitals. Hence, when there will be a request post for blood, it’ll be notified to the blood donors available nearby.

Blood Donor

Facebook has designed this feature in such a way that it’ll automatically prompt on the users’ profile. If a user signup as a blood donor then it’ll be set to private by default, though users will have the option to share their donor status on the profile. Facebook added that this feature will be made available in Android and mobile web initially as they are the majorly used platforms in India.

Blood Seeker

Facebook also planning to roll out more tools soon. Those tools will be like if anyone or any medical institute posts requirement for blood with some details of address, contact information and blood group, the nearest donor will automatically receive notification and he/she will have an option to respond via call, messenger or WhatsApp. Details of the donor will be kept private until the donor is willing to share his/her information with the receiver of the blood.

Facebook shared that it wants to help people of India in donating and receiving blood. To design this feature, it worked with several medical institutes, frequent blood donors/seekers, and various non-profit organizations.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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