
Facebook Added 360-Degree Image Capturing Feature in The App

Facebook Added 360-Degree Image Capturing Feature in The App

Date: March 12, 2020

Now capture 360-degree images on the Facebook app

The social media giant integrated another stunning feature to the platform which allows the user to capture 360-degree photos. Facebook already has shown its interest in the 360-degree images and videos by enabling the users to see and share the 360-degree images and videos over the platform.

Facebook 360 degree

Facebook added a feature that will allow the users to snap a 360-degree image with their devices. Facebook is enrolling the update to the Android and iOS devices across the globe starting today. The captured images via Facebook app can be zoom-in and share among the friends. After snapping the 360-degree image you can post the image on your timeline, tag your friends or even make it as your cover image. This is the first time Facebook gave something new to the cover image option since it launched.

The 360-degree photos behaves similar to the normal images on the Facebook, you can post them on your timeline, make albums or share them in any group. Capturing the 360-degree image with the Facebook app is too easy as the user just need to rotate the camera while snapping. The company added algorithm in the feature that automatically stitches the image after the user rotates the camera to capture the photo.

How to capture the 360-degree image with Facebook

  • Open the Facebook app and you will see a ‘360 photo’ option at the top of your News feed.
  • Click on the blue button and follow the path instructed by the app from start to end until you finish taking the complete panorama.
  • Now you can select your preferred ‘starting’ view of the image and share it or you can also set it a cover image.

Recent studies from the research firm eMarketer revealed that Facebook is consistently losing its teen users to Snapchat and Instagram. Both Snapchat and Instagram have become more attractive for the teen the users due to increased visual content. Facebook is coming up with the new ways to detain its users, but users are turning to the image or video centric social media platforms. However, Facebook owned WhatsApp is giving a hard time to Snapchat and Instagram with story feature.

As Facebook added a 360-degree capturing option to the app things may go up for the Facebook considering the snap addiction of today’s generation.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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