
eBay Android App Gets A New AR Feature To Know Right Size of The Shipping Box

eBay Android App Gets A New AR Feature To Know Right Size of The Shipping Box

Date: April 05, 2024

The app uses Augmented Reality to determine the size of the box

eBay, the popular E-commerce platform is finally using Augmented Reality for a better reason than just capturing cartoon characters. The online shopping platform has just added a new AR feature to its app for the sellers. The feature enables the users to know the precise size of the box they need to ship their product.

The idea behind the new AR option is to allow the seller to know what size of shipping box they require for the product just by using their phone. The feature supports a large number of products including, automotive parts, kitchen appliances, households, backpacks, and much more. The sellers just need to put their phone in front of the stuff they want to ship via camera, the eBay app will tell them the right box size needed for that product. This will save sellers from making trips to the post office for the right size box for safely shipping their products.

In addition, eBay mentioned that the app will also provide real-time shipping cost calculation to the sellers. The AR feature has been built on Google’s AR-core which the search giant launched last year against Apple’s AR Kit. However, the e-commerce platform did not share the names of the devices supporting the new AR feature, but probably all the AR-core compatible smartphones are good to go.

eBay used the Augmented Reality to superimpose a product with a virtual box to get the exact size they need to ship the item. This will save a lot of effort and cost of the sellers they have to invest while shipping a big lot. This proves that the Augmented Reality can benefit in the real world if implemented smartly for the users like what Ikea did with its app.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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