
Be My Eyes An App to Help Visually Impaired People

Be My Eyes An App to Help Visually Impaired People

Date: April 07, 2024

Free visual assistance in native language 24X7

Have you ever imagined about the life of a visually impaired person? I know, it’s really difficult to feel the pain of people who cannot see the world around them. Fortunately, an app ‘Be My Eyes’ which was already available for iOS has also been rolled out for the Android version.

The app enables visually impaired people to connect with sighted volunteers and seek assistance in completing daily tasks. It establishes a video call connection between the visually impaired person and sighted volunteer with the press of a button. Therefore, ‘Be My Eyes’ is the app which allows volunteers to lend their support for some benevolent and selfless acts.

Blind's App

‘Be My Eyes’ becomes the largest community for blinds and visually impaired people with the usage of half the million in around 150 countries.

As soon as a user login to the app(Android / iPhone), a button appears on the main screen which connects a user to the first volunteer. Thereafter, if the user needs visual assistance, he simply needs to press that button. This app connects user and volunteer who speak the same language. The sighted volunteer will tell the details of everything which user shows through a video call. The app calls random volunteers by considering time-zone and language so hesitate before calling someone.

App For Blind

When a user taps the call button, the sighted volunteer receives a notification on his/her smartphone. Thereafter, if the volunteer chooses to accept the call, both the person gets connected through a video call. However, if a volunteer is unable to take up the call, it automatically gets forwarded to another volunteer. Be My Eyes has a huge network of volunteers so, most calls are answered within 45 seconds in your native language 24 hours a day. Users can make unlimited calls to seek assistance anytime.


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Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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