
Apple Gives Open Challenge To OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Apple Gives Open Challenge To OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Date: July 20, 2023

Apple Inc. is now joining the race of AI GPT’s with a bold challenge to OpenAI, making it the second challenge after Elon Musk claimed to reveal the dark side of ChatGPT.

Siri is one of the most popular and feature-loaded AI voice assistants in the world right now. But, Apple Inc. is not satisfied with just that. So, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, has been discreetly building Apple’s indigenous Artificial intelligence Chatbot with the codename ‘AppleGPT’.

The secret yet to be revealed has some information already available that you might be interested in.

The Development Framework

Call it copy-paste, or inspiration, Apple has dubbed AJAX to create its own extensively large language models. Along with this, the chatbot will gather most of its learning from Siri’s data that will play a game changing role in AppleGPT’s rivalry against Google and OpenAI’s Bard and ChatGPT.

How Will AppleGPT Challenge ChatGPT?

Apple already has a strong hold as the top AI voice assistant owner. Along with this the vast and loyal consumer base will help it gain momentum right from day 1. ChatGPT on the other hand is an open source software with a huge question mark both in terms of being secure and a loyal user base. But with Microsoft now backing it as a key investor, the security aspects will gain the trust factor quite easily.

The Legacy Of Safest Interface

Apple has always been famous for its stringent privacy policies, restriction on apps that don’t meet their standard compliance, and much more. This nature of ensuring security is tough to carry forward, especially in the learning phase of Artificial Intelligence.

The team is currently testing the platform internally with restricted usage only to designated personnel to prevent any mishaps. John Giannandrea and Craig Federighi are the two lead owners of the machine learning and software engineering departments respectively. They both have a different approach towards the development pattern of AppleGPT, thus causing this slight lack of unity. However, the product will be available soon for the public to try and review for themselves.

When Will We See AppleGPT In Play?

Apple has not revealed any details regarding the official launch of the platform, but they have assured that the development is happening in an aggressive manner only, while ensuring prevention of all security loopholes. By combining Apple GPT with Siri, we can only expect the multitudes of possibilities the new platform for unlock for us all.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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